Variables ========= .. _RST top: top *** | :ref:`RST ACIS NRCC NN Daily` | :ref:`RST ANUSPLIN Gridded Climate for Canada - Daily` | :ref:`RST ANUSPLIN Gridded Climate for Canada - Monthly` | :ref:`RST Canadian Drought Outlook` | :ref:`RST Copernicus Emergency Management Service Fire Danger Indices` | :ref:`RST CHIRPS Daily` | :ref:`RST CHIRPS Pentad` | :ref:`RST CHIRPS Preliminary Pentad` | :ref:`RST CFS gridMET 28-Day Forecasts` | :ref:`RST CFSV2 Reanalysis` | :ref:`RST CONUS404` | :ref:`RST DAYMET - 1km - Daily` | :ref:`RST USGS 1/10-deg static earthquake damage risk dataset` | :ref:`RST ERA5 - Daily` | :ref:`RST ERA5 Ag - Daily` | :ref:`RST ERA5 Land - Daily` | :ref:`RST ERA5 HEAT` | :ref:`RST ESI 4 Week` | :ref:`RST ESI 12 Week` | :ref:`RST GRIDMET` | :ref:`RST GRIDMET DROUGHT` | :ref:`RST FLDAS` | :ref:`RST FRET 7-Day Forecasts` | :ref:`RST Global Ensemble Prediction System 2 week` | :ref:`RST Global Ensemble Prediction System 4 week` | :ref:`RST GLDAS` | :ref:`RST GPM 11km - Daily` | :ref:`RST HRDPA` | :ref:`RST HRDPS` | :ref:`RST Landsat 4/5/7/8 Surface Reflectance` | :ref:`RST Landsat 5 Surface Reflectance` | :ref:`RST Landsat 7 Surface Reflectance` | :ref:`RST Landsat 8 Surface Reflectance` | :ref:`RST Landsat 9 Surface Reflectance` | :ref:`RST Landsat 4/5/7/8 Top Of Atmosphere` | :ref:`RST Landsat 5 Top Of Atmosphere` | :ref:`RST Landsat 7 Top Of Atmosphere` | :ref:`RST Landsat 8 Top Of Atmosphere` | :ref:`RST Landsat 9 Top Of Atmosphere` | :ref:`RST MERRA2` | :ref:`RST MERRA2 Fire Weather Index dataset (NASA)` | :ref:`RST MODIS TERRA NET ET 16-day` | :ref:`RST MODIS Burned Area - Monthly` | :ref:`RST MODIS Terra/Aqua 16-Day` | :ref:`RST MODIS Terra 16-Day` | :ref:`RST MODIS Terra 8-Day` | :ref:`RST MODIS Terra Daily` | :ref:`RST MODIS Aqua 16-Day` | :ref:`RST MODIS Aqua 8-Day` | :ref:`RST MODIS Aqua Daily` | :ref:`RST NADM - Monthly` | :ref:`RST NCEP - Daily` | :ref:`RST NClimGrid-Daily 5-km` | :ref:`RST NClimGrid-Monthly 5-km` | :ref:`RST NLDAS2 DAILY reanalysis` | :ref:`RST NOAA AVHRR Pathfinder V 5.2 4-km sea surface` | :ref:`RST NOAA CDR PERSIANN` | :ref:`RST NOAA CPC Conus Unified Gauge-Based Analysis` | :ref:`RST NOAA CPC Global Unified Gauge-Based Analysis` | :ref:`RST NOAA Satellite Precipitation - CMORPH` | :ref:`RST OISST - Daily` | :ref:`RST OpenET Conus` | :ref:`RST PML_V2 Evapotranspiration dataset` | :ref:`RST PRISM` | :ref:`RST PRISM_MONTHLY` | :ref:`RST RAP Vegetation Cover` | :ref:`RST RAP Herbaceous Production` | :ref:`RST RAP Herbaceous Production 16 Day` | :ref:`RST RCMAP Rangeland Component Timeseries v5 (1985-2021)` | :ref:`RST RDPA` | :ref:`RST RDPS` | :ref:`RST RTMA` | :ref:`RST Sentinel 2 Top Of Atmosphere` | :ref:`RST Sentinel 2 Surface Reflectance` | :ref:`RST Sentinel 5P Methane` | :ref:`RST SNODAS` | :ref:`RST TerraClimate` | :ref:`RST TRMM 28-km (1/4-deg) precipitation dataset (NASA)` | :ref:`RST US Drought Outlook` | :ref:`RST USDM Drought Monitor` | :ref:`RST USFS Tree Canopy Cover v2021-4` | :ref:`RST USGS MODIS ET - Dekadal` | :ref:`RST USGS MODIS ET - Monthly` | :ref:`RST USGS MODIS ET - Annual` | :ref:`RST USGS VIIRS ET - Dekadal` | :ref:`RST USGS VIIRS ET - Monthly` | :ref:`RST USGS VIIRS ET - Annual` | :ref:`RST USDA 30-m static wildfire risk dataset (WRC)` .. _RST ACIS NRCC NN Daily: ACIS NRCC NN Daily ****************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Precipitation - precip - mm * - Maximum Temperature - tmax - dec C * - Minimum Temperature - tmin - dec C * - Total potential evapotranspiration Hargreaves - peth - mm/day * - Potential Water Deficit Hargreaves (precip-peth) - wbh - mm * - Evap. Demand Drought Index Hargreaves (EDDI) - eddih - * - Standard Prec. Index (SPI) - spi - * - Standard Prec. Evap. Index Hargreaves (SPEI) - speih - .. _RST ANUSPLIN Gridded Climate for Canada - Daily: ANUSPLIN Gridded Climate for Canada - Daily ******************************************* .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Precipitation - pcp - mm * - Maximum Temperature - maxt - dec C * - Minimum Temperature - mint - dec C * - Total potential evapotranspiration Hargreaves - peth - mm/day * - Potential Water Deficit Hargreaves (pcp-peth) - wbh - mm * - Evap. Demand Drought Index Hargreaves (EDDI) - eddih - * - Standard Prec. Index (SPI) - spi - * - Standard Prec. Evap. Index Hargreaves(SPEI) - speih - .. _RST ANUSPLIN Gridded Climate for Canada - Monthly: ANUSPLIN Gridded Climate for Canada - Monthly ********************************************* .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Precipitation - pcp - mm * - Maximum Temperature - maxt - dec C * - Minimum Temperature - mint - dec C * - Total potential evapotranspiration Hargreaves - peth - mm/day * - Total potential evapotranspiration Thorntwaite - pett - mm/day * - Potential Water Deficit Hargreaves (pcp-peth) - wbh - mm * - Evap. Demand Drought Index Hargreaves (EDDI) - eddih - * - Standard Prec. Index (SPI) - spi - * - Standard Prec. Evap. Index Hargreaves (SPEI) - spei - .. _RST Canadian Drought Outlook: Canadian Drought Outlook ************************ .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Canadian Drought Outlook - timeseries not available - drought_outlook_class - .. _RST Copernicus Emergency Management Service Fire Danger Indices: Copernicus Emergency Management Service Fire Danger Indices *********************************************************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Burning Index - burning_index - * - Energy Release Component - energy_release_component - J/m^2 * - Ignition Component - ignition_component - % * - Spread Component - spread_componen - .. _RST CHIRPS Daily: CHIRPS Daily ************ .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Precipitation - precipitation - mm * - Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) - spi - .. _RST CHIRPS Pentad: CHIRPS Pentad ************* .. list-table:: CHIRPS :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Precipitation - precipitation - mm * - Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) - spi - .. _RST CHIRPS Preliminary Pentad: CHIRPS Preliminary Pentad ************************* .. list-table:: CHIRPS Preliminary Pentad :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Precipitation - precipitation - mm * - Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) - spi - .. _RST CFS gridMET 28-Day Forecasts: CFS gridMET 28-Day Forecasts **************************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Burning Index - bi - * - Evap. Demand Drought Index (EDDI) - eddi - * - Energy Release Component (ERC) - erc - * - ASCE Grass Reference Evapotranspiration (Eto) - eto - mm * - 100-HR Dead Fuel Moisture (FM-100) - fm100 - % * - 1000-HR Dead Fuel Moisture (FM-1000) - fm1000 - % * - Precipitation - pr - mm * - Max Temperature - tmmx - deg C * - Min Temperature - tmmn - deg C * - Downward Shortwave Radiation - srad - W/m2 * - Vapor Pressure Deficit - vpd - kPa * - Wind Speed - vs - m/s * - Specific Humidity - sph - g/kg .. _RST CFSV2 Reanalysis: CFSV2 Reanalysis **************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Max Temperature - Maximum_temperature_height_above_ground_6_Hour_Interval - deg C * - Min Temperature - Minimum_temperature_height_above_ground_6_Hour_Interval - deg C * - Mean Temperature - Temperature_height_above_ground - deg C * - Potential Evaporation - Potential_Evaporation_Rate_surface_6_Hour_Average - mm * - Precipitation - Precipitation_rate_surface_6_Hour_Average - mm * - Specific Humidity - Specific_humidity_height_above_ground - g/kg * - Max Specific Humidity - Maximum_specific_humidity_at_2m_height_above_ground_6_Hour_Interval - g/kg * - Min Specific Humidity - Minimum_specific_humidity_at_2m_height_above_ground_6_Hour_Interval - g/kg * - Soil Moisture (5 cm below) - Volumetric_Soil_Moisture_Content_depth_below_surface_layer_5_cm - fraction * - Soil Moisture (25 cm below) - Volumetric_Soil_Moisture_Content_depth_below_surface_layer_25_cm - fraction * - Soil Moisture (70 cm below) - Volumetric_Soil_Moisture_Content_depth_below_surface_layer_70_cm - fraction * - Soil Moisture (150 cm below) - Volumetric_Soil_Moisture_Content_depth_below_surface_layer_150_cm - fraction * - Eastward Wind Component - u-component_of_wind_height_above_ground - m/s * - Northward Wind Component - v-component_of_wind_height_above_ground - m/s * - Wind Speed - vs - m/s * - Net Radiation - netRAD - W/m2 * - Downward Shortwave Radiation - Downward_Short-Wave_Radiation_Flux_surface_6_Hour_Average - W/m2 * - Upward Shortwave Radiation - Upward_Short-Wave_Radiation_Flux_surface_6_Hour_Average - W/m2 * - Downward Longwave Radiation - Downward_Long-Wave_Radp_Flux_surface_6_Hour_Average - W/m2 * - Upward Longwave Radiation - Upward_Long-Wave_Radp_Flux_surface_6_Hour_Average - W/m2 * - Latent Heat Flux - Latent_heat_net_flux_surface_6_Hour_Average - W/m2 * - Sensible Heat Flux - Sensible_heat_net_flux_surface_6_Hour_Average - W/m2 * - Total potential evapotranspiration Hargreaves - peth - mm/day * - Potential Water Deficit Hargreaves (precipitation-peth) - wbh - mm * - Evap. Demand Drought Index Hargreaves (EDDI) - eddih - * - Standard Prec. Index (SPI) - spi - * - Standard Prec. Evap. Index Hargreaves (SPEI) - speih - .. _RST CONUS404: CONUS404 ******** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Minimum Temperature - T2_MIN - deg C * - Max Temperature - T2_MAX - deg C * - Mean Dewpoint Temperature - TD2 - deg C * - Mean Windspeed - WIND10 - m/s * - Mean Surface Pressure - PSFC - Pa * - Total Downwelling Shortwave Radiation Flux - ACSWDNB - J m-2 * - Precipitation - PREC_ACC_NC - mm * - Grass Reference ET - ETO_ASCE - mm * - Alfalfa Reference ET - ETR_ASCE - mm .. _RST DAYMET - 1km - Daily: DAYMET - 1km - Daily ******************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Precipitation - prcp - mm * - Maximum Temperature - tmax - dec C * - Minimum Temperature - tmin - dec C * - Downward Shortwave Radiation - srad - W/m2 * - Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) - swe - mm * - Daily average partial pressure of water vapor - vp - kPa * - Duration of daylight - dayl - s * - Total potential evapotranspiration Hargreaves - peth - mm/day * - Potential Water Deficit Hargreaves (total_precipitation -peth) - wbh - mm * - Evap. Demand Drought Index Hargreaves (EDDI) - eddih - * - Standard Prec. Index (SPI) - spi - * - Standard Prec. Evap. Index Hargreaves (SPEI) - speih - .. _RST USGS 1/10-deg static earthquake damage risk dataset: USGS 1/10-deg static earthquake damage risk dataset *************************************************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Earthquake damage risk - timeseries not available - ERisk - % .. _RST ERA5 - Daily: ERA5 - Daily ************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Mean Temperature - mean_2m_air_temperature - deg C * - Minimum Temperature - minimum_2m_air_temperature - deg C * - Maximum Temperature - maximum_2m_air_temperature - deg C * - Dew Point Temperature - dewpoint_2m_temperature - deg C * - Precipitation - total_precipitation - mm * - Sea Level Pressure - mean_sea_level_pressure - kPa * - Wind Speed - wind_speed - m/s * - Eastward Wind Component - u_component_of_wind_10m - m/s * - Northward Wind Component - v_component_of_wind_10m - m/s * - Total potential evapotranspiration Hargreaves - peth - mm/day * - Potential Water Deficit Hargreaves (total_precipitation -peth) - wbh - mm * - Evap. Demand Drought Index Hargreaves (EDDI) - eddih - * - Standard Prec. Index (SPI) - spi - * - Standard Prec. Evap. Index Hargreaves (SPEI) - speih - .. _RST ERA5 Ag - Daily: ERA5 Ag - Daily ***************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Mean Temperature - mean_2m_air_temperature - deg C * - Minimum Temperature - minimum_2m_air_temperature - deg C * - Maximum Temperature - maximum_2m_air_temperature - deg C * - Dew Point Temperature - dewpoint_2m_temperature - deg C * - Precipitation - total_precipitation - mm * - Snow Depth - SnowDepth_inst - cm * - Snow Water Equivalent - SWE - cm * - Wind Speed - wind_speed - m/s * - Downward Shortwave Radiation - srad - W/m2 * - Vapor Pressure - vap - kPa * - Total potential evapotranspiration Hargreaves - peth - mm/day * - Potential Water Deficit Hargreaves (total_precipitation -peth) - wbh - mm * - Evap. Demand Drought Index Hargreaves (EDDI) - eddih - * - Standard Prec. Index (SPI) - spi - * - Standard Prec. Evap. Index Hargreaves (SPEI) - speih - .. _RST ERA5 Land - Daily: ERA5 Land - Daily ***************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Mean Temperature - temperature_2m - deg C * - Minimum Temperature - temperature_2m_min - deg C * - Maximum Temperature - temperature_2m_max - deg C * - Dew Point Temperature - dewpoint_temperature_2m - deg C * - Precipitation - total_precipitation - mm * - Snow Depth - SnowDepth_inst - cm * - Snow Water Equivalent - SWE - cm * - Wind Speed - wind_speed - m/s * - Downward Shortwave Radiation - srad - W/m2 * - Net Solar Radiation Sum - surface_net_solar_radiation_sum - W/m2 * - Total potential evapotranspiration Hargreaves - peth - mm/day * - Potential Water Deficit Hargreaves (total_precipitation -peth) - wbh - mm * - Evap. Demand Drought Index Hargreaves (EDDI) - eddih - * - Standard Prec. Index (SPI) - spi - * - Standard Prec. Evap. Index Hargreaves (SPEI) - speih - .. _RST ERA5 HEAT: ERA5 HEAT ***************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Mean Mean Radiant Temperature - mrt_mean - deg C * - Max Mean Radiant Temperature - mrt_max - deg C * - Min Mean Radiant Temperature - mrt_min - deg C * - Median Mean Radiant Temperature - mrt_median - deg C * - Mean Universal Thermal Climate Index - utci_mean - deg C * - Max Universal Thermal Climate Index - utci_max - deg C * - Min Universal Thermal Climate Index - utci_min - deg C * - Median Universal Thermal Climate Index - utci_median - deg C .. _RST ESI 4 Week: ESI 4 Week ********** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - 4 week ESI (Evaporative Stress Index) - ESI - .. _RST ESI 12 Week: ESI 12 Week ************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - 12 week ESI (Evaporative Stress Index) - ESI - .. _RST Global Ensemble Prediction System 2 week: Global Ensemble Prediction System 2 week **************************************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Precipitation - prcp - mm * - Minimum Temperature - temp_min - deg C * - Maximum Temperature - temp_max - deg C * - Mean Temperature - temp_mean - deg C .. _RST Global Ensemble Prediction System 4 week: Global Ensemble Prediction System 4 week **************************************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Precipitation - prcp - mm * - Minimum Temperature - temp_min - deg C * - Maximum Temperature - temp_max - deg C * - Mean Temperature - temp_mean - deg C .. _RST FLDAS: FLDAS ***** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Evapotranspiration - Evap_tavg - mm * - Surface Runoff - Qs_tavg - mm * - Total Runoff - TotalRunoff - mm * - Surface Soil Moisture (10cm) - SoilMoi00_10cm_tavg - mm * - Root Zone Soil Moisture (0-100cm) - RootZoneSoilMoisture - mm * - Snow Depth - SnowDepth_inst - mm * - Snow Water Equivalent - SWE_inst - mm .. _RST FRET 7-Day Forecasts: FRET 7-Day Forecasts ******************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Evapotranspiration - eto - mm .. _RST GLDAS: GLDAS ***** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Evapotranspiration - Evap_tavg - mm * - Total Runoff - TotalRunoff - mm * - Surface Soil Moisture (10cm) - SoilMoi0_10cm_inst - mm * - Root Zone Soil Moisture - RootMoist_inst - mm * - Snow Depth - SnowDepth_inst - mm * - Snow Water Equivalent - SWE_inst - mm .. _RST GPM 11km - Daily: GPM 11km - Daily **************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Precipitation - precipitationCal - mm * - Standard Prec. Index (SPI) - spi - .. _RST GRIDMET: GRIDMET ******* .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Dew Point Temperature - dps - deg C * - ASCE Grass Reference Evapotranspiration (ETo) - eto - mm * - ASCE Alfalfa Reference Evapotranspiration (ETr) - etr - mm * - Precipitation (PPT) - pr - mm * - Potential Water Deficit (pr-eto) - wb - mm * - Total potential evapotranspiration Hargreaves - peth - mm/day * - Potential Water Deficit Hargreaves (pr-peth) - wbh - mm * - Min Rel. Humidity - rmin - % * - Max Rel. Humidity - rmax - % * - Specific Humidity - sph - g/kg * - Downward Shortwave Radiation - srad - W/m2 * - Mean Temperature - tmean - deg C * - Min Temperature - tmmn - deg C * - Max Temperature - tmmx - deg C * - Vapor Pressure Deficit - vpd - kPa * - Wind Speed - vs - m/s * - Burning Index - bi - * - Energy Release Component (ERC) - erc - * - 100-HR Dead Fuel Moisture (FM-100) - fm100 - % * - 1000-HR Dead Fuel Moisture (FM-1000) - fm1000 - % * - Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) - timeseries not available - pdsi - * - Evap. Demand Drought Index (EDDI) - eddi - * - Standard Prec. Index (SPI) - spi - * - Standard Prec. Evap. Index (SPEI) - spei - * - Evap. Demand Drought Index Hargreaves (EDDI) - eddih - * - Standard Prec. Evap. Index Hargreaves(SPEI) - speih - .. _RST GRIDMET DROUGHT: GRIDMET DROUGHT *************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - PDSI - pdsi - * - PALMER Z-Index - z - * - Short Term Drought Blend - short_term_blend - * - Long term Drought Blend - long_term_blend - * - 14 Day SPI - spi14d - * - 30 Day SPI - spi30d - * - 90 Day SPI - spi90d - * - 180 Day SPI - spi180d - * - 270 Day SPI - spi270d - * - 1 Year SPI - spi1y - * - 2 Year SPI - spi2y - * - 5 Year SPI - spi5y - * - 14 Day SPEI - spei14d - * - 30 Day SPEI - spei30d - * - 90 Day SPEI - spei90d - * - 180 Day SPEI - spei180d - * - 270 Day SPEI - spei270d - * - 1 Year SPEI - spei1y - * - 2 Year SPEI - spei2y - * - 5 Year SPEI - spei5y - * - 14 Day EDDI - eddi14d - * - 30 Day EDDI - eddi30d - * - 90 Day EDDI - eddi90d - * - 180 Day EDDI - eddi180d - * - 270 Day EDDI - eddi270d - * - 1 Year EDDI - eddi1y - * - 2 Year EDDI - eddi2y - * - 5 Year EDDI - eddi5y - .. _RST RAP Herbaceous Production: RAP Herbaceous Production ************************* .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Herbaceous production from annual forbs and grasses - afgAGB - lbs/acre * - Herbaceous production from perennial forbs and grasses - pfgAGB - lbs/acre * - Total herbaceous production - herbaceousAGB - lbs/acre .. _RST RAP Herbaceous Production 16 Day: RAP Herbaceous Production 16 Day ******************************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Herbaceous production from annual forbs and grasses - afgAGB - lbs/acre * - Herbaceous production from perennial forbs and grasses - pfgAGB - lbs/acre * - Total herbaceous production - herbaceousAGB - lbs/acre .. _RST RAP Vegetation Cover: RAP Vegetation Cover ******************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Annual Forb and Grass Cover - AFG - % * - Perennial Forb and Grass Cover - PFG - % * - Shrub Cover - SHR - % * - Tree Cove - TRE - % * - Bare Ground Cover - BGR - % * - Litter Cover - LTR - % .. _RST RCMAP Rangeland Component Timeseries v5 (1985-2021): RCMAP Rangeland Component Timeseries v5 (1985-2021) *************************************************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Herbaceous Cover - rangeland_herbaceous - % * - Annual Herbaceous Cover - rangeland_annual_herbaceous - % * - Perennial Herbaceous Cover - rangeland_perennial_herbacous - % * - Bare Ground Cover - rangeland_bare_ground - % * - Shrub Cover - rangeland_shrub - % * - Shrub Height - rangeland_shrub height - mm * - Sagebrush Cover - rangeland_sagebrush - % * - Non-sagebrush Shrub Cover - rangeland_non_sagebrush_shrub - % * - Litter Cover - rangeland_litter - % * - Tree Cover - rangeland_tree - % .. _RST HRDPA: HRDPA ***** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Precipitation - precip - mm * - Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) - spi - .. _RST HRDPS: HRDPS ***** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Mean Temperature - Tavg - deg C .. _RST Landsat 4/5/7/8 Surface Reflectance: Landsat 4/5/7/8 Surface Reflectance *********************************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - LST (Land Surface Temperature) - LST - * - EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) - EVI - * - NDVI (Vegetation Index) - NDVI - * - NDSI (Snow Index) - NDSI - * - NDWI (NIR/SWIR1) - NDWI_NIR_SWIR_Gao - * - NDWI (Green/NIR) - NDWI_Green_NIR_McFeeters - * - NDWI (Green/SWIR1) - NDWI_Green_SWIR_Xu - * - NDWI (Green/SWIR2) - NDWI_Green_SWIR_Hall - * - NDWI (SWIR1/Green) - NDWI_SWIR_Green_Allen - * - NBR (Fire Severity Index) - NBR - * - SAVI (Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index) - SAVI - * - MSAVI (Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index) - MSAVI - * - OC2 Algorithm (Ocean Chlorophyll) - OC2 - mg/m3 * - True Color (Red/Green/Blue) - TrueColor - * - False Color (NIR/Red/Green) - FalseColor - * - Blue band - Blue - * - Green band - Green - * - Red band - Red - * - NIR band - NIR - * - SWIR1 (1.55-1.75 um) - SWIR1 - * - SWIR2 (2.08-2.35 um) - SWIR2 - * - Green/Blue ratio - rGreenBlue - * - Red/Blue ratio - rRedBlue - * - Green/Red ratio - rGreenRed - * - Blue/NIR ratio - rBlueNIR - * - Green/NIR ratio - rGreenNIR - * - Red/NIR ratio - rRedNIR - .. _RST Landsat 5 Surface Reflectance: Landsat 5 Surface Reflectance ***************************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - LST (Land Surface Temperature) - LST - * - EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) - EVI - * - NDVI (Vegetation Index) - NDVI - * - NDSI (Snow Index) - NDSI - * - NDWI (NIR/SWIR1) - NDWI_NIR_SWIR_Gao - * - NDWI (Green/NIR) - NDWI_Green_NIR_McFeeters - * - NDWI (Green/SWIR1) - NDWI_Green_SWIR_Xu - * - NDWI (Green/SWIR2) - NDWI_Green_SWIR_Hall - * - NDWI (SWIR1/Green) - NDWI_SWIR_Green_Allen - * - NBR (Fire Severity Index) - NBR - * - SAVI (Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index) - SAVI - * - MSAVI (Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index) - MSAVI - * - OC2 Algorithm (Ocean Chlorophyll) - OC2 - mg/m3 * - True Color (Red/Green/Blue) - TrueColor - * - False Color (NIR/Red/Green) - FalseColor - * - Blue band - Blue - * - Green band - Green - * - Red band - Red - * - NIR band - NIR - * - SWIR1 (1.55-1.75 um) - SWIR1 - * - SWIR2 (2.08-2.35 um) - SWIR2 - * - Green/Blue ratio - rGreenBlue - * - Red/Blue ratio - rRedBlue - * - Green/Red ratio - rGreenRed - * - Blue/NIR ratio - rBlueNIR - * - Green/NIR ratio - rGreenNIR - * - Red/NIR ratio - rRedNIR - .. _RST Landsat 7 Surface Reflectance: Landsat 7 Surface Reflectance ***************************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - LST (Land Surface Temperature) - LST - * - EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) - EVI - * - NDVI (Vegetation Index) - NDVI - * - NDSI (Snow Index) - NDSI - * - NDWI (NIR/SWIR1) - NDWI_NIR_SWIR_Gao - * - NDWI (Green/NIR) - NDWI_Green_NIR_McFeeters - * - NDWI (Green/SWIR1) - NDWI_Green_SWIR_Xu - * - NDWI (Green/SWIR2) - NDWI_Green_SWIR_Hall - * - NDWI (SWIR1/Green) - NDWI_SWIR_Green_Allen - * - NBR (Fire Severity Index) - NBR - * - SAVI (Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index) - SAVI - * - MSAVI (Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index) - MSAVI - * - OC2 Algorithm (Ocean Chlorophyll) - OC2 - mg/m3 * - True Color (Red/Green/Blue) - TrueColor - * - False Color (NIR/Red/Green) - FalseColor - * - Blue band - Blue - * - Green band - Green - * - Red band - Red - * - NIR band - NIR - * - SWIR1 (1.55-1.75 um) - SWIR1 - * - SWIR2 (2.08-2.35 um) - SWIR2 - * - Green/Blue ratio - rGreenBlue - * - Red/Blue ratio - rRedBlue - * - Green/Red ratio - rGreenRed - * - Blue/NIR ratio - rBlueNIR - * - Green/NIR ratio - rGreenNIR - * - Red/NIR ratio - rRedNIR - .. _RST Landsat 8 Surface Reflectance: Landsat 8 Surface Reflectance ***************************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - LST (Land Surface Temperature) - LST - * - EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) - EVI - * - NDVI (Vegetation Index) - NDVI - * - NDSI (Snow Index) - NDSI - * - NDWI (NIR/SWIR1) - NDWI_NIR_SWIR_Gao - * - NDWI (Green/NIR) - NDWI_Green_NIR_McFeeters - * - NDWI (Green/SWIR1) - NDWI_Green_SWIR_Xu - * - NDWI (Green/SWIR2) - NDWI_Green_SWIR_Hall - * - NDWI (SWIR1/Green) - NDWI_SWIR_Green_Allen - * - NBR (Fire Severity Index) - NBR - * - SAVI (Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index) - SAVI - * - MSAVI (Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index) - MSAVI - * - OC2 Algorithm (Ocean Chlorophyll) - OC2 - mg/m3 * - True Color (Red/Green/Blue) - TrueColor - * - False Color (NIR/Red/Green) - FalseColor - * - Blue band - Blue - * - Green band - Green - * - Red band - Red - * - NIR band - NIR - * - SWIR1 (1.55-1.75 um) - SWIR1 - * - SWIR2 (2.08-2.35 um) - SWIR2 - * - Green/Blue ratio - rGreenBlue - * - Red/Blue ratio - rRedBlue - * - Green/Red ratio - rGreenRed - * - Blue/NIR ratio - rBlueNIR - * - Green/NIR ratio - rGreenNIR - * - Red/NIR ratio - rRedNIR - .. _RST Landsat 9 Surface Reflectance: Landsat 9 Surface Reflectance ***************************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - LST (Land Surface Temperature) - LST - * - EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) - EVI - * - NDVI (Vegetation Index) - NDVI - * - NDSI (Snow Index) - NDSI - * - NDWI (NIR/SWIR1) - NDWI_NIR_SWIR_Gao - * - NDWI (Green/NIR) - NDWI_Green_NIR_McFeeters - * - NDWI (Green/SWIR1) - NDWI_Green_SWIR_Xu - * - NDWI (Green/SWIR2) - NDWI_Green_SWIR_Hall - * - NDWI (SWIR1/Green) - NDWI_SWIR_Green_Allen - * - NBR (Fire Severity Index) - NBR - * - SAVI (Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index) - SAVI - * - MSAVI (Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index) - MSAVI - * - OC2 Algorithm (Ocean Chlorophyll) - OC2 - mg/m3 * - True Color (Red/Green/Blue) - TrueColor - * - False Color (NIR/Red/Green) - FalseColor - * - Blue band - Blue - * - Green band - Green - * - Red band - Red - * - NIR band - NIR - * - SWIR1 (1.55-1.75 um) - SWIR1 - * - SWIR2 (2.08-2.35 um) - SWIR2 - * - Green/Blue ratio - rGreenBlue - * - Red/Blue ratio - rRedBlue - * - Green/Red ratio - rGreenRed - * - Blue/NIR ratio - rBlueNIR - * - Green/NIR ratio - rGreenNIR - * - Red/NIR ratio - rRedNIR - .. _RST Landsat 4/5/7/8 Top Of Atmosphere: Landsat 4/5/7/8 Top Of Atmosphere ********************************* .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - LST (Land Surface Temperature) - LST - * - EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) - EVI - * - NDVI (Vegetation Index) - NDVI - * - NDSI (Snow Index) - NDSI - * - NDWI (NIR/SWIR1) - NDWI_NIR_SWIR_Gao - * - NDWI (Green/NIR) - NDWI_Green_NIR_McFeeters - * - NDWI (Green/SWIR1) - NDWI_Green_SWIR_Xu - * - NDWI (Green/SWIR2) - NDWI_Green_SWIR_Hall - * - NDWI (SWIR1/Green) - NDWI_SWIR_Green_Allen - * - NBR (Fire Severity Index) - NBR - * - SAVI (Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index) - SAVI - * - MSAVI (Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index) - MSAVI - * - OC2 Algorithm (Ocean Chlorophyll) - OC2 - mg/m3 * - True Color (Red/Green/Blue) - TrueColor - * - False Color (NIR/Red/Green) - FalseColor - * - Blue band - Blue - * - Green band - Green - * - Red band - Red - * - NIR band - NIR - * - SWIR1 (1.55-1.75 um) - SWIR1 - * - SWIR2 (2.08-2.35 um) - SWIR2 - * - Green/Blue ratio - rGreenBlue - * - Red/Blue ratio - rRedBlue - * - Green/Red ratio - rGreenRed - * - Blue/NIR ratio - rBlueNIR - * - Green/NIR ratio - rGreenNIR - * - Red/NIR ratio - rRedNIR - .. _RST Landsat 5 Top Of Atmosphere: Landsat 5 Top Of Atmosphere *************************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - LST (Land Surface Temperature) - LST - * - EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) - EVI - * - NDVI (Vegetation Index) - NDVI - * - NDSI (Snow Index) - NDSI - * - NDWI (NIR/SWIR1) - NDWI_NIR_SWIR_Gao - * - NDWI (Green/NIR) - NDWI_Green_NIR_McFeeters - * - NDWI (Green/SWIR1) - NDWI_Green_SWIR_Xu - * - NDWI (Green/SWIR2) - NDWI_Green_SWIR_Hall - * - NDWI (SWIR1/Green) - NDWI_SWIR_Green_Allen - * - NBR (Fire Severity Index) - NBR - * - SAVI (Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index) - SAVI - * - MSAVI (Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index) - MSAVI - * - OC2 Algorithm (Ocean Chlorophyll) - OC2 - mg/m3 * - True Color (Red/Green/Blue) - TrueColor - * - False Color (NIR/Red/Green) - FalseColor - * - Blue band - Blue - * - Green band - Green - * - Red band - Red - * - NIR band - NIR - * - SWIR1 (1.55-1.75 um) - SWIR1 - * - SWIR2 (2.08-2.35 um) - SWIR2 - * - Green/Blue ratio - rGreenBlue - * - Red/Blue ratio - rRedBlue - * - Green/Red ratio - rGreenRed - * - Blue/NIR ratio - rBlueNIR - * - Green/NIR ratio - rGreenNIR - * - Red/NIR ratio - rRedNIR - .. _RST Landsat 7 Top Of Atmosphere: Landsat 7 Top Of Atmosphere *************************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - LST (Land Surface Temperature) - LST - * - EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) - EVI - * - NDVI (Vegetation Index) - NDVI - * - NDSI (Snow Index) - NDSI - * - NDWI (NIR/SWIR1) - NDWI_NIR_SWIR_Gao - * - NDWI (Green/NIR) - NDWI_Green_NIR_McFeeters - * - NDWI (Green/SWIR1) - NDWI_Green_SWIR_Xu - * - NDWI (Green/SWIR2) - NDWI_Green_SWIR_Hall - * - NDWI (SWIR1/Green) - NDWI_SWIR_Green_Allen - * - NBR (Fire Severity Index) - NBR - * - SAVI (Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index) - SAVI - * - MSAVI (Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index) - MSAVI - * - OC2 Algorithm (Ocean Chlorophyll) - OC2 - mg/m3 * - True Color (Red/Green/Blue) - TrueColor - * - False Color (NIR/Red/Green) - FalseColor - * - Blue band - Blue - * - Green band - Green - * - Red band - Red - * - NIR band - NIR - * - SWIR1 (1.55-1.75 um) - SWIR1 - * - SWIR2 (2.08-2.35 um) - SWIR2 - * - Green/Blue ratio - rGreenBlue - * - Red/Blue ratio - rRedBlue - * - Green/Red ratio - rGreenRed - * - Blue/NIR ratio - rBlueNIR - * - Green/NIR ratio - rGreenNIR - * - Red/NIR ratio - rRedNIR - .. _RST Landsat 8 Top Of Atmosphere: Landsat 8 Top Of Atmosphere *************************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - LST (Land Surface Temperature) - LST - * - EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) - EVI - * - NDVI (Vegetation Index) - NDVI - * - NDSI (Snow Index) - NDSI - * - NDWI (NIR/SWIR1) - NDWI_NIR_SWIR_Gao - * - NDWI (Green/NIR) - NDWI_Green_NIR_McFeeters - * - NDWI (Green/SWIR1) - NDWI_Green_SWIR_Xu - * - NDWI (Green/SWIR2) - NDWI_Green_SWIR_Hall - * - NDWI (SWIR1/Green) - NDWI_SWIR_Green_Allen - * - NBR (Fire Severity Index) - NBR - * - SAVI (Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index) - SAVI - * - MSAVI (Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index) - MSAVI - * - OC2 Algorithm (Ocean Chlorophyll) - OC2 - mg/m3 * - True Color (Red/Green/Blue) - TrueColor - * - False Color (NIR/Red/Green) - FalseColor - * - Blue band - Blue - * - Green band - Green - * - Red band - Red - * - NIR band - NIR - * - SWIR1 (1.55-1.75 um) - SWIR1 - * - SWIR2 (2.08-2.35 um) - SWIR2 - * - Green/Blue ratio - rGreenBlue - * - Red/Blue ratio - rRedBlue - * - Green/Red ratio - rGreenRed - * - Blue/NIR ratio - rBlueNIR - * - Green/NIR ratio - rGreenNIR - * - Red/NIR ratio - rRedNIR - .. _RST Landsat 9 Top Of Atmosphere: Landsat 9 Top Of Atmosphere *************************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - LST (Land Surface Temperature) - LST - * - EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) - EVI - * - NDVI (Vegetation Index) - NDVI - * - NDSI (Snow Index) - NDSI - * - NDWI (NIR/SWIR1) - NDWI_NIR_SWIR_Gao - * - NDWI (Green/NIR) - NDWI_Green_NIR_McFeeters - * - NDWI (Green/SWIR1) - NDWI_Green_SWIR_Xu - * - NDWI (Green/SWIR2) - NDWI_Green_SWIR_Hall - * - NDWI (SWIR1/Green) - NDWI_SWIR_Green_Allen - * - NBR (Fire Severity Index) - NBR - * - SAVI (Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index) - SAVI - * - MSAVI (Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index) - MSAVI - * - OC2 Algorithm (Ocean Chlorophyll) - OC2 - mg/m3 * - True Color (Red/Green/Blue) - TrueColor - * - False Color (NIR/Red/Green) - FalseColor - * - Blue band - Blue - * - Green band - Green - * - Red band - Red - * - NIR band - NIR - * - SWIR1 (1.55-1.75 um) - SWIR1 - * - SWIR2 (2.08-2.35 um) - SWIR2 - * - Green/Blue ratio - rGreenBlue - * - Red/Blue ratio - rRedBlue - * - Green/Red ratio - rGreenRed - * - Blue/NIR ratio - rBlueNIR - * - Green/NIR ratio - rGreenNIR - * - Red/NIR ratio - rRedNIR - .. _RST MERRA2: MERRA2 ****** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Max Temperature (2-m) - T2MMAX - deg C * - Min Temperature (2-m) - T2MMIN - deg C * - Precipitation - PRECTOTCORR - mm * - ASCE Grass Reference Evapotranspiration (ETo) - ETo_ASCE - mm * - ASCE Alfalfa Reference Evapotranspiration (ETr) - ETr_ASCE - mm * - Potential Water Deficit (PRECTOTCORR - pETo_ASCE) - wb - mm * - Total potential evapotranspiration Hargreaves - peth - mm/day * - Potential Water Deficit Hargreaves (PRECTOTCORR - peth) - wbh - mm * - Evap. Demand Drought Index (EDDI) - eddi - * - Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) - spi - * - Standard Prec. Evap. Index (SPEI) - spei - * - Evap. Demand Drought Index Hargreaves (EDDI) - timeseries not available - eddih - * - Standard Prec. Evap. Index Hargreaves (SPEI) - timeseries not available - speih - .. _RST MERRA2 Fire Weather Index dataset (NASA): MERRA2 Fire Weather Index dataset (NASA) **************************************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Fire Weather Index - FWI - .. _RST MODIS TERRA NET ET 16-day: MODIS TERRA NET ET 16-day ************************* .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - ET (Total Evapotranspiration) - ET - mm/8day * - PET - Total potential evapotranspiration - mm/8day .. _RST MODIS Burned Area - Monthly: MODIS Burned Area - Monthly *************************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Burn Day of Year - BurnDate - * - First Day of Year of Reliable Change Detection - FirstDay - * - Last Day of Year of Reliable Change Detection - LastDay - .. _RST MODIS Terra/Aqua 16-Day: MODIS Terra/Aqua 16-Day *********************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) - EVI - * - NDVI (Vegetation Index) - NDVI - * - NDSI (Snow Index) - NDSI - * - NDWI (NIR/SWIR1) - NDWI_NIR_SWIR_Gao - * - NDWI (Green/NIR) - NDWI_Green_NIR_McFeeters - * - NDWI (Green/SWIR1) - NDWI_Green_SWIR_Xu - * - NDWI (Green/SWIR2) - NDWI_Green_SWIR_Hall - * - NDWI (SWIR1/Green) - NDWI_SWIR_Green_Allen - * - BAI (Burned Area Index) - BAI - * - True Color (Red/Green/Blue) - TrueColor - * - False Color (NIR/Red/Green) - FalseColor - .. _RST MODIS Terra 16-Day: MODIS Terra 16-Day ****************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) - EVI - * - NDVI (Vegetation Index) - NDVI - .. _RST MODIS Terra 8-Day: MODIS Terra 8-Day ***************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - LST (Land Surface Temperature in Day) - LST_Day_1km - deg C .. _RST MODIS Terra Daily: MODIS Terra Daily ***************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) - EVI - * - NDVI (Vegetation Index) - NDVI - * - NDSI (Snow Index) - NDSI - * - FSC (Fractional Snow Cover) - NDSI_Snow_Cover - % * - NDWI (NIR/SWIR1) - NDWI_NIR_SWIR_Gao - * - NDWI (Green/NIR) - NDWI_Green_NIR_McFeeters - * - NDWI (Green/SWIR1) - NDWI_Green_SWIR_Xu - * - NDWI (Green/SWIR2) - NDWI_Green_SWIR_Hall - * - NDWI (SWIR1/Green) - NDWI_SWIR_Green_Allen - * - LST (Land Surface Temperature in Day) - LST_Day_1km - deg C * - BAI (Burned Area Index) - BAI - * - True Color (Red/Green/Blue) - TrueColor - * - False Color (NIR/Red/Green) - FalseColor - .. _RST MODIS Aqua 16-Day: MODIS Aqua 16-Day ***************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) - EVI - * - NDVI (Vegetation Index) - NDVI - .. _RST MODIS Aqua 8-Day: MODIS Aqua 8-Day **************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - LST (Land Surface Temperature in Day) - LST_Day_1km - deg C .. _RST MODIS Aqua Daily: MODIS Aqua Daily **************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) - EVI - * - NDVI (Vegetation Index) - NDVI - * - NDSI (Snow Index) - NDSI - * - FSC (Fractional Snow Cover) - NDSI_Snow_Cover - % * - NDWI (NIR/SWIR1) - NDWI_NIR_SWIR_Gao - * - NDWI (Green/NIR) - NDWI_Green_NIR_McFeeters - * - NDWI (Green/SWIR1) - NDWI_Green_SWIR_Xu - * - NDWI (Green/SWIR2) - NDWI_Green_SWIR_Hall - * - NDWI (SWIR1/Green) - NDWI_SWIR_Green_Allen - * - LST (Land Surface Temperature in Day) - LST_Day_1km - deg C * - BAI (Burned Area Index) - BAI - * - True Color (Red/Green/Blue) - TrueColor - * - False Color (NIR/Red/Green) - FalseColor - .. _RST NADM - Monthly: NADM - Monthly ************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - North American Drought Monitor Drought Classification - nadm - N/A .. _RST NCEP - Daily: NCEP - Daily ************ .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Sea Level Pressure - slp - kPa .. _RST NClimGrid-Daily 5-km: NClimGrid-Daily 5-km ******************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Precipitation - precip - mm * - Maximum Temperature - tmax - dec C * - Minimum Temperature - tmin - dec C * - Mean Temperature - tavg - dec C * - Total potential evapotranspiration Hargreaves - peth - mm/day * - Potential Water Deficit (precip - peth) - wbh - mm * - Evap. Demand Drought Index Hargreaves (EDDI) - eddih - * - Standard Prec. Index (SPI) - spi - * - Standard Prec. Evap. Index Hargreaves (SPEI) - speih - .. _RST NClimGrid-Monthly 5-km: NClimGrid-Monthly 5-km ********************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Precipitation - precip - mm * - Maximum Temperature - tmax - dec C * - Minimum Temperature - tmin - dec C * - Mean Temperature - tavg - dec C * - Total potential evapotranspiration Hargreaves - peth - mm/day * - Total potential evapotranspiration Thorntwaite - pett - mm/day * - Potential Water Deficit Hargreaves (precip - peth) - wbh - mm * - Evap. Demand Drought Index Hargreaves (EDDI) - eddih - * - Standard Prec. Index (SPI) - spi - * - Standard Prec. Evap. Index Hargreaves (SPEI) - speih - .. _RST NLDAS2 DAILY reanalysis: NLDAS2 DAILY reanalysis *********************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - ASCE Grass Reference Evapotranspiration (ETo) - eto - mm * - ASCE Alfalfa Reference Evapotranspiration (ETr) - etr - mm * - Precipitation (PPT) - precipitation - mm * - Potential Water Deficit (PPT-ETo) - wb - mm * - Total potential evapotranspiration Hargreaves - peth - mm/day * - Potential Water Deficit Hargreaves (precipitation - peth) - wbh - mm * - Specific Humidity - sph - g/kg * - Downward Shortwave Radiation - shortwave_radiation - W/m2 * - Downward Longwave Radiation - longwave_radiation - W/m2 * - Mean Temperature - tasmean - deg C * - Min Temperature - tasmin - deg C * - Max Temperature - tasmax - deg C * - Pressure - pressure - kPa * - Wind Speed - vs - m/s * - Evap. Demand Drought Index (EDDI) - eddi - * - Standard Prec. Index (SPI) - spi - * - Standard Prec. Evap. Index (SPEI) - spei - * - Evap. Demand Drought Index Hargreaves (EDDI) - eddih - * - Standard Prec. Evap. Index Hargreaves (SPEI) - speih - .. _RST NOAA AVHRR Pathfinder V 5.2 4-km sea surface: NOAA AVHRR Pathfinder V 5.2 4-km sea surface ******************************************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - SST (Sea Surface Temperature) - sea_surface_temperature - deg C .. _RST NOAA CDR PERSIANN: NOAA CDR PERSIANN ***************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Precipitation - precipitation - mm .. _RST NOAA CPC Conus Unified Gauge-Based Analysis: NOAA CPC Conus Unified Gauge-Based Analysis ******************************************* .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Precipitation - precip - mm * - Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) - spi - .. _RST NOAA CPC Global Unified Gauge-Based Analysis: NOAA CPC Global Unified Gauge-Based Analysis ******************************************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Precipitation - precip - mm * - Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) - spi - .. _RST NOAA Satellite Precipitation - CMORPH: NOAA Satellite Precipitation - CMORPH ************************************* .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Precipitation - precip - mm * - Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) - spi - .. _RST OISST - Daily: OISST - Daily ************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Sea Surface Temperature - sst - deg C * - Sea Ice Concentration - ice - % .. _RST OpenET Conus: OpenET Conus ************ .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Evapotranspiration eeMETRIC - et_eemetric - mm * - Evapotranspiration SSEBop - et_ssebop - mm * - Evapotranspiration SIMS - et_sims - mm * - Evapotranspiration geeSEBAL - et_geesebal - mm * - Evapotranspiration PT-JPL - et_ptjpl - mm * - Evapotranspiration DisALEXI - et_disalexi - mm * - Evapotranspiration Ensemble Mean - et_ensemble_mad - mm * - Evapotranspiration Ensemble Max - et_ensemble_mad_max - mm * - Evapotranspiration Ensemble Min - et_ensemble_mad_min - mm .. _RST PML_V2 Evapotranspiration dataset: PML_V2 Evapotranspiration dataset ********************************* .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Potential Evapotranspiration - et - mm/8day * - Potential Evapotranspiration of water/ice only - ET_water - mm/8day * - Potential Evapotranspiration - et - mm/8day * - Vegetation transpiration - Ec - mm/8day * - Soil evaporation - Es - mm/8day * - Interception from vegetation canopyy - Ei - mm/8day .. _RST PRISM: PRISM ***** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Precipitation - ppt - mm * - Mean Temperature - tmean - deg C * - Min Temperature - tmin - deg C * - Max Temperature - tmax - deg C * - Mean Dew Point Temperature - tdmean - deg C * - Min Vapor Pressure Deficit - vpdmin - kPa * - Max Vapor Pressure Deficit - vpdmax - kPa * - Total potential evapotranspiration Hargreaves - peth - mm/day * - Potential Water Deficit Hargreaves (ppt - peth) - wbh - mm * - Evap. Demand Drought Index Hargreaves (EDDI) - eddih - * - Standard Prec. Index (SPI) - spi - * - Standard Prec. Evap. Index Hargreaves (SPEI) - speih - .. _RST PRISM_MONTHLY: PRISM_MONTHLY ************* .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Precipitation - ppt - mm * - Mean Temperature - tmean - deg C * - Min Temperature - tmin - deg C * - Max Temperature - tmax - deg C * - Mean Dew Point Temperature - tdmean - deg C * - Min Vapor Pressure Deficit - vpdmin - kPa * - Max Vapor Pressure Deficit - vpdmax - kPa * - Total potential evapotranspiration Hargreaves - peth - mm/day * - Total potential evapotranspiration Thorntwaite - pett - mm/day * - Potential Water Deficit Hargreaves (ppt - peth) - wbh - mm * - Evap. Demand Drought Index Hargreaves(EDDI) - eddih - * - Standard Prec. Index (SPI) - spi - * - Standard Prec. Evap. Index Hargreaves (SPEI) - speih - .. _RST RDPA: RDPA ***** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Precipitation - precip - mm * - Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) - spi - .. _RST RDPS: RDPS ***** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Mean Temperature - Tavg - deg C .. _RST RTMA: RTMA **** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Precipitation - PRCP - mm * - Grass Reference Evapotranspiration - ETo - mm * - Alfalfa Reference Evapotranspiration - eETr - mm * - Total potential evapotranspiration Hargreaves - peth - mm/day * - Max Temperature - TMAX - deg C * - Min Temperature - TMIN - deg C * - Dew Point Temperature - DPT - deg C * - Air Pressure - PRES - kPa * - Wind Speed - WIND - m/s * - Wind Direction - WDIR - deg * - Specific Humidity - SPH - g/kg * - Total Cloud Cover - TCDC - % * - Evap. Demand Drought Index (EDDI) - eddi - * - Evap. Demand Drought Index Hargreaves EDDI) - eddih - .. _RST Sentinel 2 Surface Reflectance: Sentinel 2 Surface Reflectance ****************************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) - EVI - * - NDVI (Vegetation Index) - NDVI - * - NDSI (Snow Index) - NDSI - * - NDWI (NIR/SWIR1) - NDWI_NIR_SWIR_Gao - * - NDWI (Green/NIR) - NDWI_Green_NIR_McFeeters - * - NDWI (Green/SWIR1) - NDWI_Green_SWIR_Xu - * - NDWI (Green/SWIR2) - NDWI_Green_SWIR_Hall - * - NDWI (SWIR1/Green) - NDWI_SWIR_Green_Allen - * - NBR (Fire Severity Index) - NBR - * - SAVI (Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index) - SAVI - * - MSAVI (Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index) - MSAVI - * - OC2 Algorithm (Ocean Chlorophyll) - OC2 - mg/m3 * - True Color (Red/Green/Blue) - TrueColor - * - False Color (NIR/Red/Green) - FalseColor - * - Blue band - Blue - * - Green band - Green - * - Red band - Red - * - NIR band - NIR - * - SWIR1 (1.610 um) - SWIR1 - * - SWIR2 (2.190 um) - SWIR2 - * - SWIR3 (1.375 um) - SWIR3 - * - Green/Blue ratio - rGreenBlue - * - Red/Blue ratio - rRedBlue - * - Green/Red ratio - rGreenRed - * - Blue/NIR ratio - rBlueNIR - * - Green/NIR ratio - rGReenNIR - * - Red/NIR ratio - rRedNIR - .. _RST Sentinel 2 Top Of Atmosphere: Sentinel 2 Top Of Atmosphere **************************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) - EVI - * - NDVI (Vegetation Index) - NDVI - * - NDSI (Snow Index) - NDSI - * - NDWI (NIR/SWIR1) - NDWI_NIR_SWIR_Gao - * - NDWI (Green/NIR) - NDWI_Green_NIR_McFeeters - * - NDWI (Green/SWIR1) - NDWI_Green_SWIR_Xu - * - NDWI (Green/SWIR2) - NDWI_Green_SWIR_Hall - * - NDWI (SWIR1/Green) - NDWI_SWIR_Green_Allen - * - NBR (Fire Severity Index) - NBR - * - SAVI (Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index) - SAVI - * - MSAVI (Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index) - MSAVI - * - OC2 Algorithm (Ocean Chlorophyll) - OC2 - mg/m3 * - True Color (Red/Green/Blue) - TrueColor - * - False Color (NIR/Red/Green) - FalseColor - * - Blue band - Blue - * - Green band - Green - * - Red band - Red - * - NIR band - NIR - * - SWIR1 (1.610 um) - SWIR1 - * - SWIR2 (2.190 um) - SWIR2 - * - SWIR3 (1.375 um) - SWIR3 - * - Green/Blue ratio - rGreenBlue - * - Red/Blue ratio - rRedBlue - * - Green/Red ratio - rGreenRed - * - Blue/NIR ratio - rBlueNIR - * - Green/NIR ratio - rGReenNIR - * - Red/NIR ratio - rRedNIR - .. _RST Sentinel 5P Methane: RST Sentinel 5P Methane *********************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Methane - Methane - ppbV .. _RST SNODAS: SNODAS ****** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) - SWE - mm * - Snow Depth - Snow_Depth - mm .. _RST TerraClimate: TerraClimate ************ .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Maximum Temperature - tmmx - deg C * - Minimum Temperature - tmmn - deg C * - Precipitation - pr - mm * - Grass Reference Evapotranspiration (ETo) - pet - mm * - Total potential evapotranspiration Hargreaves - peth - mm/day * - Total potential evapotranspiration Thorntwaite - pett - mm/day * - Potential Water Deficit Hargreaves (precip-pet) - wb - mm * - Potential Water Deficit Hargreaves (precip-peth) - wbh - mm * - Wind Speed - vs - m/s * - Downward Radiation - srad - W/m2 * - Vapor Pressure - vap - kPa * - Vapor Pressure Deficit - vpd - kPa * - Actual Evapotranspiration - aet - mm * - Climate Water Deficit - def - mm * - Runoff - ro - mm * - Soil Moisture - soil - mm * - Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) - swe - mm * - Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) - pdsi - * - Evap. Demand Drought Index (EDDI) - eddi - * - Standard Prec. Index (SPI) - spi - * - Standard Prec. Evap. Index (SPEI) - spei - * - Evap. Demand Drought Index Hargreaves (EDDI) - eddih - * - Standard Prec. Evap. Index Hargreaves (SPEI) - speih - .. _RST TRMM 28-km (1/4-deg) precipitation dataset (NASA): TRMM 28-km (1/4-deg) precipitation dataset (NASA) ************************************************* .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Precipitation - precipitation - mm .. _RST US Drought Outlook: US Drought Outlook ****************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Canadian Drought Outlook - timeseries not available - drought_outlook_class - .. _RST USDM Drought Monitor: USDM Drought Monitor ******************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Rasters of USDM Drought maps - usdm - .. _RST USFS Tree Canopy Cover v2021-4: USFS Tree Canopy Cover v2021-4 ****************************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Tree Canopy Cover - Science_Percent_Tree_Canopy_Cover - % * - Tree Canopy Cover (NLCD) - NLCD_Percent_Tree_Canopy_Cover - % .. _RST USGS MODIS ET - Dekadal: USGS MODIS ET - Dekadal *********************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Evapotranspiration (ETa) - et - mm .. _RST USGS MODIS ET - Monthly: USGS MODIS ET - Monthly *********************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Evapotranspiration (ETa) - et - mm .. _RST USGS MODIS ET - Annual: USGS MODIS ET - Annual ********************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Evapotranspiration (ETa) - et - mm .. _RST USGS VIIRS ET - Dekadal: USGS VIIRS ET - Dekadal *********************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Evapotranspiration (ETa) - et - mm .. _RST USGS VIIRS ET - Monthly: USGS VIIRS ET - Monthly *********************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Evapotranspiration (ETa) - et - mm .. _RST USGS VIIRS ET - Annual: USGS VIIRS ET - Annual ********************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Evapotranspiration (ETa) - et - mm .. _RST USDA 30-m static wildfire risk dataset (WRC): USDA 30-m static wildfire risk dataset (WRC) ******************************************** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable Description - Parameter - Units * - Burn Probability - timeseries not available - BP - % * - Conditional Flame Length - timeseries not available - CFL - mm * - Conditional Risk to Potential Structures - timeseries not available - CRPS - * - Exposure Type - timeseries not available - Exposure - * - Flame Length Exceedance Probability – 4 ft - timeseries not available - FLEP4 - % * - Flame Length Exceedance Probability – 8 ft - timeseries not available - FLEP8 - % * - Risk to Potential Structures - timeseries not available - RPS - * - Wildfire Hazard Potential index - timeseries not available - WHP -