.. sectionauthor:: Britta Daudert Maps ======== | The Maps endpoints are used to generate maps (and map statistics) of the datasets available in Climate Engine. | There are three groups of Maps endpoints: | **/raster/mapid** - These are used to generate Earth Engine maps, and produce an Earth Engine map ID value. | **/raster/export** - These endpoints are used to generate a map and export it to a Google Cloud Storage bucket. | **/raster/metadata** - The metadata endpoints return percentiles and statistics of map values. | **NOTES:** | - The endpoints ending in "standard_index" are only valid for indices like SPI, SPEI and EDDI. | - Additionally, "forecasts" endpoints are only available for forecast datasets (i.e. CFS_GRIDMET and FRET). | - For the "anomalies" endpoints, the calculations "anompercentof" and "anompercentchange" are not valid for temperature variables. | :ref:`RST /raster/mapid/values` | :ref:`RST /raster/mapid/forecasts/values` | :ref:`RST /raster/mapid/climatologies` | :ref:`RST /raster/mapid/anomalies` | :ref:`RST /raster/mapid/forecasts/anomalies` | :ref:`RST /raster/mapid/forecasts/percentiles` | :ref:`RST /raster/mapid/percentiles` | :ref:`RST /raster/mapid/standard_index` | :ref:`RST /raster/mapid/forecasts/standard_index` | :ref:`RST /raster/mapid/mann_kendall` | :ref:`RST /raster/export/task_update` | :ref:`RST /raster/export/task_queue` | :ref:`RST /raster/export/values` | :ref:`RST /raster/export/forecasts/values` | :ref:`RST /raster/export/climatologies` | :ref:`RST /raster/export/anomalies` | :ref:`RST /raster/export/forecasts/anomalies` | :ref:`RST /raster/export/forecasts/percentiles` | :ref:`RST /raster/export/percentiles` | :ref:`RST /raster/export/standard_index` | :ref:`RST /raster/export/forecasts/standard_index` | :ref:`RST /raster/export/mann_kendall` | :ref:`RST /raster/export/counts` | :ref:`RST /raster/export/count_climatologies` | :ref:`RST /raster/metadata/percentiles/values` | :ref:`RST /raster/metadata/percentiles/climatologies` | :ref:`RST /raster/metadata/percentiles/anomalies` | :ref:`RST /raster/metadata/percentiles/standard_index` | :ref:`RST /raster/metadata/percentiles/mann_kendall` | :ref:`RST /raster/metadata/statistics/values` | :ref:`RST /raster/metadata/statistics/climatologies` | :ref:`RST /raster/metadata/statistics/anomalies` | :ref:`RST /raster/metadata/statistics/standard_index` | :ref:`RST /raster/metadata/statistics/mann_kendall` .. _RST /raster/mapid/values: /raster/mapid/values ********************* | Generates a map of values of the dataset variable. | The temporal statistic is applied over the date range defined by start_date and end_date. | Returns: Earth Engine mapid Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/mapid/values?dataset=GRIDMET&variable=tmmx&temporal_statistic=Mean&start_date=2016-01-01&end_date=2016-12-30&colormap_opacity=0.7&colormap_type=continuous .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - GRIDMET * - variable - yes - - - tmmx * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - start_date - yes - - - 2019-01-01 * - end_date - yes - - - 2019-12-31 * - colormap_min_max - no - Two data values corresponding to palette color bands - Depends on parameter combination - [290.0,314.0] * - colormap_opacity - no - Values between 0 (transparent) and 1 - 0.7 - 0.4 * - colormap_palette - no - List of colors in hex - Depends on dataset and variable - [d8d8d8, 34addff, 35affa3, f2ff89, ff725c] * - colormap_type - no - - continuous - continuous, discrete * - colormap_mask - no - Show ranges of data on the map - - [0,200] or [0,200,300,400] .. _RST /raster/mapid/forecasts/values: /raster/mapid/forecasts/values ******************************* | Generates a map of forecast values of the dataset variable. | The temporal statistic is applied over the date range defined by start_date and end_date. | Returns: Earth Engine mapid Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/mapid/forecasts/values?dataset=CFS_GRIDMET&variable=tmmx&model=ens15&temporal_statistic=Mean&start_day=day02&end_day=day21&colormap_opacity=0.7&colormap_type=continuous .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - CFS_GRIDMET - CFS_GRIDMET * - variable - yes - pet, pr, tmmx, tmmn - - tmmx * - model - yes - ens01 to en for individual models (see documentation), ens_min, ens_max, ens_mean, ens_median - ens_mean - ens_max * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - start_day - yes - day01 to day 28, start_day <= end_day - day01 - day02 * - end_day - yes - day01 to day28, end_day >= start_day - day28 - day15 * - colormap_min_max - no - Two data values corresponding to palette color bands - Depends on parameter combination - [290.0,314.0] * - colormap_opacity - no - Values between 0 (transparent) and 1 - 0.7 - 0.4 * - colormap_palette - no - List of colors in hex - Depends on dataset and variable - [d8d8d8, 34addff, 35affa3, f2ff89, ff725c] * - colormap_type - no - - continuous - continuous, discrete * - colormap_mask - no - Show ranges of data on the map - - [0,200] or [0,200,300,400] .. _RST /raster/mapid/climatologies: /raster/mapid/climatologies **************************** | Generates a map of average values of the dataset variable over the time period. | Returns: Earth Engine mapid Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/mapid/climatologies?dataset=GRIDMET&variable=tmmx&temporal_statistic=Mean&start_season=08-01&end_season=10-30&start_year=2014&end_year=2018&colormap_opacity=0.7&colormap_type=continuous .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - GRIDMET * - variable - yes - - - tmmx * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - start_season - yes - - - 05-10 * - end_season - yes - - - 10-16 * - start_year - yes - Start year for the climatology - - 1981 * - end_year - yes - End year for the climatology - - 2010 * - colormap_min_max - no - Two data values corresponding to palette color bands - Depends on parameter combination - [290.0,314.0] * - colormap_opacity - no - Values between 0 (transparent) and 1 - 0.7 - 0.4 * - colormap_palette - no - List of colors in hex - Depends on dataset and variable - [d8d8d8, 34addff, 35affa3, f2ff89, ff725c] * - colormap_type - no - - continuous - continuous, discrete * - colormap_mask - no - Show ranges of data on the map - - [0,200] or [0,200,300,400] .. _RST /raster/mapid/anomalies: /raster/mapid/anomalies ************************ | Generates a map of anomalies of the dataset variable over the time period. | The following calculation choices can be specified: | **anom**: differences of the values from average conditions | **anompercentof**: the values divided by the average conditions multiplied by 100 to cast as a percent | **anompercentchange**: difference of values from average conditions divided by average conditions and then multiplied by 100 to cast as a percent | Returns: Earth Engine mapid Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/mapid/anomalies?dataset=GRIDMET&variable=pr&temporal_statistic=Total&calculation=anom&start_date=2016-08-01&end_date=2016-10-30&start_year=2014&end_year=2018&colormap_opacity=0.7&colormap_type=continuous .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - GRIDMET * - variable - yes - - - tmmx * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - calculation - yes - Anomaly calculation - - anom, anompercentof, anompercentchange * - start_date - yes - - - 2019-01-01 * - end_date - yes - - - 2019-10-16 * - start_year - yes - Start year for the climatology - - 1981 * - end_year - yes - End year for the climatology - - 2010 * - colormap_min_max - no - Two data values corresponding to palette color bands - Depends on parameter combination - [290.0,314.0] * - colormap_opacity - no - Values between 0 (transparent) and 1 - 0.7 - 0.4 * - colormap_palette - no - List of colors in hex - Depends on dataset and variable - [d8d8d8, 34addff, 35affa3, f2ff89, ff725c] * - colormap_type - no - - continuous - continuous, discrete * - colormap_mask - no - Show ranges of data on the map - - [0,200] or [0,200,300,400] .. _RST /raster/mapid/forecasts/anomalies: /raster/mapid/forecasts/anomalies ********************************** | Generates a map of forecast anomalies of the dataset variable over the time period. | The following calculation choices can be specified: | **anom**: differences of the values from average conditions | **anompercentof**: the values divided by the average conditions multiplied by 100 to cast as a percent | **anompercentchange**: difference of values from average conditions divided by average conditions and then multiplied by 100 to cast as a percent | Returns: Earth Engine mapid Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/mapid/forecasts/anomalies?dataset=CFS_GRIDMET&variable=pr&model=ens_max*temporal_statistic=Total&calculation=anom&start_day=day01&end_day=day28&start_year=1981&end_year=2010&colormap_opacity=0.7&colormap_type=continuous .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - CFS_GRIDMET - CFS_GRIDMET * - variable - yes - pet, pr, tmmx, tmmn - - tmmx * - model - yes - ens01 to en for individual models (see documentation), ens_min, ens_max, ens_mean, ens_median - ens_mean - ens_max * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - calculation - yes - Anomaly calculation - - anom, anompercentof, anompercentchange * - start_day - yes - day01 to day 28, start_day <= end_day - day01 - day02 * - end_day - yes - day01 to day28, end_day >= start_day - day28 - day15 * - start_year - yes - Start year for the climatology - - 1981 * - end_year - yes - End year for the climatology - - 2010 * - colormap_min_max - no - Two data values corresponding to palette color bands - Depends on parameter combination - [290.0,314.0] * - colormap_opacity - no - Values between 0 (transparent) and 1 - 0.7 - 0.4 * - colormap_palette - no - List of colors in hex - Depends on dataset and variable - [d8d8d8, 34addff, 35affa3, f2ff89, ff725c] * - colormap_type - no - - continuous - continuous, discrete * - colormap_mask - no - Show ranges of data on the map - - [0,200] or [0,200,300,400] .. _RST /raster/mapid/percentiles: /raster/mapid/percentiles ************************** | Generates a map of percentiles of the dataset variable over the time period. | Returns: Earth Engine mapid Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/mapid/percentiles?dataset=GRIDMET&variable=pr&temporal_statistic=Total&percentile_step=1&start_date=2016-08-01&end_date=2016-10-30&start_year=2014&end_year=2018&colormap_opacity=0.7&colormap_type=continuous .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - GRIDMET * - variable - yes - - - tmmx * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - percentile_step - yes - difference between percentiles computed - 1 - 0.5, 1 or 5 * - start_date - yes - - - 2019-01-01 * - end_date - yes - - - 2019-10-16 * - start_year - yes - Start year for the climatology - - 1981 * - end_year - yes - End year for the climatology - - 2010 * - colormap_min_max - no - Two data values corresponding to palette color bands - [0, 100] - [10,80] * - colormap_opacity - no - Values between 0 (transparent) and 1 - 0.7 - 0.4 * - colormap_palette - no - List of colors in hex - Depends on dataset and variable - [d8d8d8, 34addff, 35affa3, f2ff89, ff725c] * - colormap_type - no - - continuous - continuous, discrete * - colormap_mask - no - Show ranges of data on the map - - [0,200] or [0,200,300,400] .. _RST /raster/mapid/forecasts/percentiles: /raster/mapid/forecasts/percentiles ************************************ | Generates a map of forecasts percentiles of the dataset variable over the time period. | Returns: Earth Engine mapid | NOTE: CFS_GRIDMET is the only valid dataset for this endpoint | because we have the GRIDMET base climatology dataset needed for the precentile computation. Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/mapid/forecasts/percentiles?dataset=CFS_GRIDMET&variable=pr&model=ens_mean&temporal_statistic=Total&percentile_step=1&start_day=day01&end_day=day14&start_year=2014&end_year=2018&colormap_opacity=0.7&colormap_type=continuous .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - CFS_GRIDMET - CFS_GRIDMET * - variable - yes - - - tmmx * - model - yes - ens01 to en for individual models (see documentation), ens_min, ens_max, ens_mean, ens_median - ens_mean - ens_max * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - percentile_step - yes - difference between percentiles computed - 1 - 0.5, 1 or 5 * - start_day - yes - day01 to day 28, start_day <= end_day - day01 - day02 * - end_day - yes - day01 to day28, end_day >= start_day - day07 - day15 * - start_year - yes - Start year for the climatology - - 1981 * - end_year - yes - End year for the climatology - - 2010 * - colormap_min_max - no - Two data values corresponding to palette color bands - [0, 100] - [10,80] * - colormap_opacity - no - Values between 0 (transparent) and 1 - 0.7 - 0.4 * - colormap_palette - no - List of colors in hex - Depends on dataset and variable - [d8d8d8, 34addff, 35affa3, f2ff89, ff725c] * - colormap_type - no - - continuous - continuous, discrete * - colormap_mask - no - Show ranges of data on the map - - [0,200] or [0,200,300,400] .. _RST /raster/mapid/standard_index: /raster/mapid/standard_index ***************************** | Generates a map of drought indices of the dataset variable over the time period. | Available variables: spi, spei, eddi, speih, edddih Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/mapid/standard_index?dataset=GRIDMET&variable=eddi&start_date=2016-08-01&end_date=2016-10-30&start_year=2014&end_year=2018&colormap_opacity=0.7&colormap_type=continuous .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - GRIDMET * - variable - yes - - - spi * - distribution - yes - nonparametric, gamma or loglogistic - nonparametric - gamma * - start_date - yes - - - 2019-01-01 * - end_date - yes - - - 2019-10-16 * - start_year - yes - Start year for the climatology - - 1981 * - end_year - yes - End year for the climatology - - 2010 * - colormap_min_max - no - Two data values corresponding to palette color bands - Depends on parameter combination - [290.0,314.0] * - colormap_opacity - no - Values between 0 (transparent) and 1 - 0.7 - 0.4 * - colormap_palette - no - List of colors in hex - Depends on dataset and variable - [d8d8d8, 34addff, 35affa3, f2ff89, ff725c] * - colormap_type - no - - continuous - continuous, discrete * - colormap_mask - no - Show ranges of data on the map - - [0,50] or [0,50,70,80] .. _RST /raster/mapid/forecasts/standard_index: /raster/mapid/forecasts/standard_index ************************************** | Generates a map of drought indices forecasts of the dataset variable over the time period. | Available variables by dataset: | CFS_GRIDMET: eddi Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/mapid/forecasts/standard_index?dataset=CFS_GRIDMET&variable=eddi&model=ens21&time_step=wk1&colormap_opacity=0.7&colormap_type=continuous .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - CFS_GRIDMET - CFS_GRIDMET * - variable - yes - - eddi - eddi * - distribution - yes - nonparametric, gamma or loglogistic - nonparametric - gamma * - model - yes - ens01 to en for individual models (see documentation), ens_min, ens_max, ens_mean, ens_median - ens - ens_max * - time_step - yes - individual forecasts wk1, wk2, wk3, wk4 and means wk12, wk123, wk1234 - wk1 - wk123 * - colormap_min_max - no - Two data values corresponding to palette color bands - Depends on parameter combination - [290.0,314.0] * - colormap_opacity - no - Values between 0 (transparent) and 1 - 0.7 - 0.4 * - colormap_palette - no - List of colors in hex - Depends on dataset and variable - [d8d8d8, 34addff, 35affa3, f2ff89, ff725c] * - colormap_type - no - - continuous - continuous, discrete * - colormap_mask - no - Show ranges of data on the map - - [0,200] or [0,200,300,400] .. _RST /raster/mapid/mann_kendall: /raster/mapid/mann_kendall ************************** | Generates a map of Mann Kendall trends of the dataset variable over the time period. | mk_sen: Slope of trend (Sen's slope) | mk_tau: Correlation of trend (Kendall Tau-b) | Returns: Earth Engine mapid Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/mapid/mann_kendall?dataset=LANDSAT7_TOA&variable=NDVI&temporal_statistic=Mean&calculation=mk_tau&p_value=0.5&start_season=05-01&end_season=07-30&start_year=2016&end_year=2018&colormap_opacity=0.7&colormap_type=continuous .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - GRIDMET * - variable - yes - - - tmmx * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - calculation - yes - Sen's Slope or Kendall Tau-b - - mk_sen, mk_tau * - p_value - no - Mann Kendall p-value mask - 1.0 - 1.0 (all trends), 0.2 (80% confidence), 0.1, 0.05, 0.01 * - start_season - yes - - - 01-01 * - end_season - yes - - - 10-16 * - start_year - yes - Start year for the climatology - - 1981 * - end_year - yes - End year for the climatology - - 2010 * - colormap_min_max - no - Two data values corresponding to palette color bands - Depends on parameter combination - [290.0,314.0] * - colormap_opacity - no - Values between 0 (transparent) and 1 - 0.7 - 0.4 * - colormap_palette - no - List of colors in hex - Depends on dataset and variable - [d8d8d8, 34addff, 35affa3, f2ff89, ff725c] * - colormap_type - no - - continuous - continuous, discrete * - colormap_mask - no - Show ranges of data on the map - - [0,200] or [0,200,300,400] .. _RST /raster/export/task_update: /raster/export/task_update ************************** | Checks the status of an Earth Engine export tasks Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/export/task_update?task_id=2BFYQPFADAYHRGTRME2OXFD7 .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - task_id - yes - Earth Engine ID of the task (from output of export endpoint) - - 2BFYQPFADAYHRGTRME2OXFD7 .. _RST /raster/export/task_queue: /raster/export/task_queue ************************* | Lists all exports of chosen tasks states in the Earth Engine task queue Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/export/task_queue?task_states=RUNNING%2C%20FAILED .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - task_states - - list of task states - READY, RUNNING, SUCCEEDED, FAILED - RUNNING, FAILED .. _RST /raster/export/values: /raster/export/values ********************* | Exports a map of values to a Google Cloud Storage bucket. | The temporal statistic is applied over the date range defined by start_date and end_date. | Returns: json, Earth Engine task ID Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/export/values?dataset=GRIDMET&variable=tmmx&temporal_statistic=Mean&start_date=2016-01-01&end_date=2016-12-30&bounding_box=[-121.7,38.3,-120.1,38.9]&export_path=ncei-nidis/test/test_values&export_projection=EPSG:4326&export_resolution=1000 .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - GRIDMET * - variable - yes - - - tmmx * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - start_date - yes - - - 2019-01-01 * - end_date - yes - - - 2019-12-31 * - bounding_box - yes - The bounding box [SWLong, SWLat, NELong, NELat] - - [-139, 49, -138, 50] * - export_projection - no - - EPSG:4326 - * - export_resolution - no - Resolution of exported image (in meters) - Native resolution of dataset - 4000 * - export_path - yes - path to bucket - Includes bucket//filename - ncei-nidis/test/test_values * - map_mask - no - Show ranges of data on the map - - [0, 200] or [0, 200, 300, 400] .. _RST /raster/export/forecasts/values: /raster/export/forecasts/values ******************************* | Exports a map of forecast values to a Google Cloud Storage bucket. | The temporal statistic is applied over the date range defined by start_date and end_date. | Returns: json, Earth Engine task ID Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/export/forecasts/values?dataset=CFS_GRIDMET&variable=tmmx&model=ens&temporal_statistic=Mean&start_day=day01&end_day=day28&bounding_box=[-121.7,38.3,-120.1,38.9]&export_path=ncei-nidis/test/test_values&export_projection=EPSG:4326&export_resolution=1000 .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - GRIDMET_CFS - GRIDMET_CFS * - variable - yes - - pet, pr, tmmx, tmmn - tmmx * - model - yes - ens01 to en for individual models (see documentation), ens_min, ens_max, ens_mean, ens_median - ens - ens_max * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - start_day - yes - day01 to day28, start_day <= end_day - day01 - day15 * - end_day - yes - day01 to day28, end_day >= start_day - day28 - day17 * - bounding_box - yes - The bounding box [SWLong, SWLat, NELong, NELat] - - [-139, 49, -138, 50] * - export_projection - no - - EPSG:4326 - * - export_resolution - no - Resolution of exported image (in meters) - Native resolution of dataset - 4000 * - export_path - yes - path to bucket - Includes bucket//filename - ncei-nidis/test/test_values * - map_mask - no - Show ranges of data on the map - - [0, 200] or [0, 200, 300, 400] .. _RST /raster/export/climatologies: /raster/export/climatologies **************************** | Exports a map of average values to a Google Cloud Storage bucket. | The temporal statistic is applied over the date range defined by start_date and end_date. | Returns: json, Earth Engine task ID Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/export/climatologies?dataset=GRIDMET&variable=tmmx&temporal_statistic=Mean&start_season=08-01&end_season=10-30&start_year=2014&end_year=2018&bounding_box=[23.8858,48.9802,-128.3203,-66.5332]&export_path=ncei-nidis/test/test_clim&export_projection=EPSG:4326&export_resolution=1000 .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - GRIDMET * - variable - yes - - - tmmx * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - start_season - yes - - - 05-10 * - end_season - yes - - - 10-16 * - start_year - yes - Start year for the climatology - - 1981 * - end_year - yes - End year for the climatology - - 2010 * - bounding_box - yes - The bounding box [SWLong, SWLat, NELong, NELat] - - [-139, 49, -138, 50] * - export_projection - no - - EPSG:4326 - * - export_resolution - no - Resolution of exported image (in meters) - Native resolution of dataset - 4000 * - export_path - yes - path to bucket - Includes bucket//filename - ncei-nidis/test/test_values * - map_mask - no - Show ranges of data on the map - - [0, 200] or [0, 200, 300, 400] .. _RST /raster/export/anomalies: /raster/export/anomalies ************************ | Exports a map of anomalies to a Google Cloud Storage bucket. | The following calculation choices can be specified: | **anom**: differences of the values from average conditions | **anompercentof**: the values divided by the average conditions multiplied by 100 to cast as a percent | **anompercentchange**: difference of values from average conditions divided by average conditions and then multiplied by 100 to cast as a percent | Returns: json, Earth Engine task ID Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/export/anomalies?dataset=GRIDMET&variable=tmmx&temporal_statistic=Mean&calculation=anom&start_date=2016-08-01&end_date=2016-10-30&start_year=2014&end_year=2018&bounding_box=[-121.7,38.3,-120.1,38.9]&export_path=ncei-nidis/test/test_anomalies&export_projection=EPSG:4326&export_resolution=1000 .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - GRIDMET * - variable - yes - - - tmmx * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - calculation - yes - Anomaly calculation - - anom, anompercentof, anompercentchange * - start_date - yes - - - 2019-01-01 * - end_date - yes - - - 2019-10-16 * - start_year - yes - Start year for the climatology - - 1981 * - end_year - yes - End year for the climatology - - 2010 * - bounding_box - yes - The bounding box [SWLong, SWLat, NELong, NELat] - - [-139, 49, -138, 50] * - export_projection - no - - EPSG:4326 - * - export_resolution - no - Resolution of exported image (in meters) - Native resolution of dataset - 4000 * - export_path - yes - path to bucket - Includes bucket//filename - ncei-nidis/test/test_values * - map_mask - no - Show ranges of data on the map - - [0, 200] or [0, 200, 300, 400] .. _RST /raster/export/forecasts/anomalies: /raster/export/forecasts/anomalies ********************************** | Exports a map of anomaly forecasts to a Google Cloud Storage bucket. | The following calculation choices can be specified: | **anom**: differences of the values from average conditions | **anompercentof**: the values divided by the average conditions multiplied by 100 to cast as a percent | **anompercentchange**: difference of values from average conditions divided by average conditions and then multiplied by 100 to cast as a percent | Returns: json, Earth Engine task ID Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/export/forecasts/anomalies?dataset=CFS_GRIDMET&variable=tmmx&model=ens&temporal_statistic=Mean&calculation=anom&start_day=day01&end_day=day28&start_year=2014&end_year=2018&bounding_box=[-121.7,38.3,-120.1,38.9]&export_path=ncei-nidis/test/test_anomalies&export_projection=EPSG:4326&export_resolution=1000 .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - CFS_GRIDMET - CFS_GRIDMET * - variable - yes - pet, pr, tmmx, tmmn - - tmmx * - model - yes - ens01 to en for individual models (see documentation), ens_min, ens_max, ens_mean, ens_median - ens - ens_max * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - calculation - yes - Anomaly calculation - - anom, anompercentof, anompercentchange * - start_day - yes - day01 to day 28, start_day <= end_day - day01 - day02 * - end_day - yes - day01 to day28, end_day >= start_day - day28 - day15 * - start_year - yes - Start year for the climatology - - 1981 * - end_year - yes - End year for the climatology - - 2010 * - bounding_box - yes - The bounding box [SWLong, SWLat, NELong, NELat] - - [-139, 49, -138, 50] * - export_projection - no - - EPSG:4326 - * - export_resolution - no - Resolution of exported image (in meters) - Native resolution of dataset - 4000 * - export_path - yes - path to bucket - Includes bucket//filename - ncei-nidis/test/test_values * - map_mask - no - Show ranges of data on the map - - [0, 200] or [0, 200, 300, 400] .. _RST /raster/export/percentiles: /raster/export/percentiles ************************** | Generates a map of percentiles of the dataset variable over the time period. | Returns: json, Earth Engine task ID Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/export/percentiles?dataset=GRIDMET&variable=pr&temporal_statistic=Total&percentile_step=1&start_date=2016-08-01&end_date=2016-10-30&start_year=2014&end_year=2018&bounding_box=[-121.7,38.3,-120.1,38.9]&export_path=ncei-nidis/test/test_anomalies&export_projection=EPSG:4326&export_resolution=1000 .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - GRIDMET * - variable - yes - - - tmmx * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - percentile_step - yes - difference between percentiles computed - 1 - 0.5, 1 or 5 * - start_date - yes - - - 2019-01-01 * - end_date - yes - - - 2019-10-16 * - start_year - yes - Start year for the climatology - - 1981 * - end_year - yes - End year for the climatology - - 2010 * - bounding_box - yes - The bounding box [SWLong, SWLat, NELong, NELat] - - [-139, 49, -138, 50] * - export_projection - no - - EPSG:4326 - * - export_resolution - no - Resolution of exported image (in meters) - Native resolution of dataset - 4000 * - export_path - yes - path to bucket - Includes bucket//filename - ncei-nidis/test/test_values * - map_mask - no - Show ranges of data on the map - - [0, 20] or [0, 30, 50, 80] .. _RST /raster/export/forecasts/percentiles: /raster/export/forecasts/percentiles ************************************ | Generates a map of forecasts percentiles of the dataset variable over the time period. | Returns: json, Earth Engine task ID | NOTE: CFS_GRIDMET is the only valid dataset for this endpoint | because we have the GRIDMET base climatology dataset needed for the precentile computation. Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/export/forecasts/percentiles?dataset=CFS_GRIDMET&variable=pr&model=ens_mean&temporal_statistic=Total&percentile_step=1&start_day=day01&end_day=day16&start_year=2014&end_year=2018&bounding_box=[-121.7,38.3,-120.1,38.9]&export_path=ncei-nidis/test/test_anomalies&export_projection=EPSG:4326&export_resolution=1000 .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - CFS_GRIDMET - CFS_GRIDMET * - variable - yes - - - tmmx * - model - yes - ens01 to en for individual models (see documentation), ens_min, ens_max, ens_mean, ens_median - ens_mean - ens_max * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - percentile_step - yes - difference between percentiles computed - 1 - 0.5, 1 or 5 * - start_day - yes - day01 to day 28, start_day <= end_day - day01 - day02 * - end_day - yes - day01 to day28, end_day >= start_day - day07 - day15 * - start_year - yes - Start year for the climatology - - 1981 * - end_year - yes - End year for the climatology - - 2010 * - bounding_box - yes - The bounding box [SWLong, SWLat, NELong, NELat] - - [-139, 49, -138, 50] * - export_projection - no - - EPSG:4326 - * - export_resolution - no - Resolution of exported image (in meters) - Native resolution of dataset - 4000 * - export_path - yes - path to bucket - Includes bucket//filename - ncei-nidis/test/test_values * - map_mask - no - Show ranges of data on the map - - [0, 20] or [0, 30, 50, 80] .. _RST /raster/export/standard_index: /raster/export/standard_index ***************************** | Exports a map of drought indices to a Google Cloud Storage bucket. | Available variables: spi, spei, eddi, speih, edddih | Returns: json, Earth Engine task ID Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/export/standard_index?dataset=GRIDMET&variable=eddi&start_date=2016-08-01&end_date=2016-10-30&start_year=2014&end_year=2018&bounding_box=[-121.7,38.3,-120.1,38.9]&export_path=ncei-nidis/test/test_norm&export_projection=EPSG:4326&export_resolution=1000 .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - GRIDMET * - variable - yes - - - spi * - distribution - yes - nonparametric, gamma or loglogistic - nonparametric - gamma * - start_date - yes - - - 2019-01-01 * - end_date - yes - - - 2019-10-16 * - start_year - yes - Start year for the climatology - - 1981 * - end_year - yes - End year for the climatology - - 2010 * - bounding_box - yes - The bounding box [SWLong, SWLat, NELong, NELat] - - [-139, 49, -138, 50] * - export_projection - no - - EPSG:4326 - * - export_resolution - no - Resolution of exported image (in meters) - Native resolution of dataset - 4000 * - export_path - yes - path to bucket - Includes bucket//filename - ncei-nidis/test/test_values * - map_mask - no - Show ranges of data on the map - - [0, 200] or [0, 200, 300, 400] .. _RST /raster/export/forecasts/standard_index: /raster/export/forecasts/standard_index *************************************** | Exports a map of drought indices forecasts to a Google Cloud Storage bucket. | Available variables by dataset: | CFS_GRIDMET eddi | Returns: json, Earth Engine task ID Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/export/forecasts/standard_index?dataset=CFS_GRIDMET&variable=eddi&time_step=wk2&bounding_box=[-121.7,38.3,-120.1,38.9]&export_path=ncei-nidis/test/test_norm&export_projection=EPSG:4326&export_resolution=1000 .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - GRIDMET_CFS * - variable - yes - - eddi - eddi * - distribution - yes - nonparametric, gamma or loglogistic - nonparametric - gamma * - time_step - yes - individual forecasts wk1, wk2, wk3, wk4 and means wk12, wk123, wk1234 - wk1 - wk123 * - bounding_box - yes - The bounding box [SWLong, SWLat, NELong, NELat] - - [-139, 49, -138, 50] * - export_projection - no - - EPSG:4326 - * - export_resolution - no - Resolution of exported image (in meters) - Native resolution of dataset - 4000 * - export_path - yes - path to bucket - Includes bucket//filename - ncei-nidis/test/test_values * - map_mask - no - Show ranges of data on the map - - [0, 200] or [0, 200, 300, 400] .. _RST /raster/export/mann_kendall: /raster/export/mann_kendall *************************** | Exports a map of Mann Kendall trends to a Google Cloud Storage bucket. | mk_sen: Slope of trend (Sen's slope) | mk_tau: Correlation of trend (Kendall Tau-b) | Returns: json, Earth Engine task ID Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/export/mann_kendall?dataset=LANDSAT7_TOA&variable=NDVI&temporal_statistic=Mean&calculation=mk_tau&p_value=0.5&start_season=05-01&end_season=07-30&start_year=2016&end_year=2018&bounding_box=[-121.7,38.3,-120.1,38.9]&export_path=ncei-nidis/test/test_mk&export_projection=EPSG:4326&export_resolution=1000 .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - GRIDMET * - variable - yes - - - tmmx * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - calculation - yes - Sen's Slope or Kendall Tau-b - - mk_sen, mk_tau * - p_value - no - Mann Kendall p-value mask - 1.0 - 1.0 (all trends), 0.2 (80% confidence), 0.1, 0.05, 0.01 * - start_season - yes - - - 01-01 * - end_season - yes - - - 10-16 * - start_year - yes - Start year for the climatology - - 1981 * - end_year - yes - End year for the climatology - - 2010 * - bounding_box - yes - The bounding box [SWLong, SWLat, NELong, NELat] - - [-139, 49, -138, 50] * - export_projection - no - - EPSG:4326 - * - export_resolution - no - Resolution of exported image (in meters) - Native resolution of dataset - 4000 * - export_path - yes - path to bucket - Includes bucket//filename - ncei-nidis/test/test_values * - map_mask - no - Show ranges of data on the map - - [0, 200] or [0, 200, 300, 400] .. _RST /raster/export/counts: /raster/export/counts ********************* | Exports a map of counts/probabilities to a Google Cloud Storage bucket. | counts: Number of times between start date and end date that a pixel met the the selected operator's criteria | probability: The count divided by the total number of data points considered | Returns: json, Earth Engine task ID Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/export/counts?dataset=GRIDMET&variable=tmmx&operator=threshold_gte&output=counts&value_1=25&export_path=ncei-nidis%2Fdemo_image&start_date=2010-01-31&end_date=2010-12-31 .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - GRIDMET * - variable - yes - - - tmmx * - operator - yes - Type of operator - options include threshold, interior, exterior - threshold_gte - theshold_gt, threshold_gte, threshold_lt, threshold_lte, interior_eq, interior_neq, exterior_eq, exterior_neq * - output - yes - Type of output - counts - counts, probability * - value_1 - yes - Value to apply operator to - 25 - 25 * - value_2 - no - Second value for interior/exterior operators - - * - start_date - yes - - 2010-01-31 - 2023-01-01 * - end_date - yes - - 2010-12-31 - 2023-12-31 * - bounding_box - yes - The bounding box [SWLong, SWLat, NELong, NELat] - - [-139, 49, -138, 50] * - export_projection - no - - EPSG:4326 - * - export_resolution - no - Resolution of exported image (in meters) - Native resolution of dataset - 4000 * - export_path - yes - path to bucket, includes bucket//filename - ncei-nidis/demo_image - ncei-nidis/test/test_values * - map_mask - no - Show ranges of data on the map - - [0, 200] or [0, 200, 300, 400] .. _RST /raster/export/count_climatologies: /raster/export/count_climatologies ********************************** | Exports a map of counts/probabilities climatologies to a Google Cloud Storage bucket. | counts: Number of times between start date and end date that a pixel met the the selected operator's criteria | probability: The count divided by the total number of data points considered | Returns: json, Earth Engine task ID Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/export/count_climatologies?dataset=GRIDMET&variable=tmmx&operator=threshold_gte&output=counts&value_1=25&export_path=ncei-nidis%2Fdemo_image&start_season=08-01&end_season=10-31&start_year=2016&end_year=2018 .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - GRIDMET * - variable - yes - - - tmmx * - operator - yes - Type of operator - options include threshold, interior, exterior - threshold_gte - theshold_gt, threshold_gte, threshold_lt, threshold_lte, interior_eq, interior_neq, exterior_eq, exterior_neq * - output - yes - Type of output - counts - counts, probability * - value_1 - yes - Value to apply operator to - 25 - 25 * - value_2 - no - Second value for interior/exterior operators - - * - start_season - yes - - 01-31 - 01-01 * - end_season - yes - - 10-31 - 12-31 * - start_year - yes - - 2016 - 2020 * - end_year - yes - - 2018 - 2023 * - bounding_box - yes - The bounding box [SWLong, SWLat, NELong, NELat] - - [-139, 49, -138, 50] * - export_projection - no - - EPSG:4326 - * - export_resolution - no - Resolution of exported image (in meters) - Native resolution of dataset - 4000 * - export_path - yes - path to bucket - Includes bucket//filename - ncei-nidis/test/test_values * - map_mask - no - Show ranges of data on the map - - [0, 200] or [0, 200, 300, 400] .. _RST /raster/metadata/percentiles/values: /raster/metadata/percentiles/values *********************************** | Computes percentiles of map values of the dataset variable. | The temporal statistic is applied over the date range defined by start_date and end_date. | Returns: json Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/metadata/percentiles/values?dataset=GRIDMET&variable=tmmx&temporal_statistic=Mean&start_date=2016-01-01&end_date=2016-12-30&bounding_box=[-121.7,38.3,-120.1,38.9]&percentiles=[0,5,10,25,50,75,90,95,100]&scale=4000 .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - GRIDMET * - variable - yes - - - tmmx * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - export_format - no - File format of export - json - csv, json * - start_date - yes - - - 2019-01-01 * - end_date - yes - - - 2019-12-31 * - scale - no - Dataset scale - Depends dataset and bounding box - 4000 * - bounding_box - yes - The bounding box [SWLong, SWLat, NELong, NELat] - [-121.7, 38.3, -120.1, 38.9] - * - percentiles - no - The percentiles - [0, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95, 100] - .. _RST /raster/metadata/percentiles/climatologies: /raster/metadata/percentiles/climatologies ****************************************** | Computes percentiles of map of average values of the dataset variable over the time period. | Returns: json Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/metadata/percentiles/climatologies?dataset=GRIDMET&variable=tmmx&temporal_statistic=Mean&start_season=08-01&end_season=10-30&start_year=2014&end_year=2018&bounding_box=[-121.7,38.3,-120.1,38.9]&percentiles=[0,5,10,25,50,75,90,95,100]&scale=4000 .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - GRIDMET * - variable - yes - - - tmmx * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - export_format - no - File format of export - json - csv, json * - start_season - yes - - - 05-10 * - end_season - yes - - - 10-16 * - start_year - yes - Start year for the climatology - - 1981 * - end_year - yes - End year for the climatology - - 2010 * - scale - no - Dataset scale - Depends dataset and bounding box - 4000 * - bounding_box - yes - The bounding box [SWLong, SWLat, NELong, NELat] - [-121.7, 38.3, -120.1, 38.9] - * - percentiles - no - The percentiles - [0, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95, 100] - .. _RST /raster/metadata/percentiles/anomalies: /raster/metadata/percentiles/anomalies ************************************** | Computes percentiles of map of anomalies of the dataset variable over the time period. | The following calculation choices can be specified: | **anom**: differences of the values from average conditions | **anompercentof**: the values divided by the average conditions multiplied by 100 to cast as a percent | **anompercentchange**: difference of values from average conditions divided by average conditions and then multiplied by 100 to cast as a percent | Returns: json Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/metadata/percentiles/anomalies?dataset=GRIDMET&variable=tmmx&temporal_statistic=Mean&calculation=anom&start_date=2016-08-01&end_date=2016-10-30&start_year=2014&end_year=2018&bounding_box=[-121.7,38.3,-120.1,38.9]&percentiles=[0,5,10,25,50,75,90,95,100]&scale=4000 .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - GRIDMET * - variable - yes - - - tmmx * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - export_format - no - File format of export - json - csv, json * - calculation - yes - Anomaly calculation - - anom, anompercentof, anompercentchange * - start_date - yes - - - 2019-01-01 * - end_date - yes - - - 2019-10-16 * - start_year - yes - Start year for the climatology - - 1981 * - end_year - yes - End year for the climatology - - 2010 * - scale - no - Dataset scale - Depends dataset and bounding box - 4000 * - bounding_box - yes - The bounding box [SWLong, SWLat, NELong, NELat] - [-121.7, 38.3, -120.1, 38.9] - * - percentiles - no - The percentiles - [0, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95, 100] - .. _RST /raster/metadata/percentiles/standard_index: /raster/metadata/percentiles/standard_index ******************************************* | Computes percentiles of a map of drought indices of the dataset variable over the time period. | Available variables by dataset: | G: spi, spei, eddi, pdsi | CHIRPS_PENTAD: spi | CHIRPS_DAILY: spi | PRISM: spi | MERRA2: spi, spei, eddi | Returns: json Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/metadata/percentiles/standard_index?dataset=GRIDMET&variable=eddi&start_date=2016-08-01&end_date=2016-10-30&start_year=2014&end_year=2018&bounding_box=[-121.7,38.3,-120.1,38.9]&percentiles=[0,5,10,25,50,75,90,95,100]&scale=4000 .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - GRIDMET * - variable - yes - - - tmmx * - start_date - yes - - - 2019-01-01 * - end_date - yes - - - 2019-10-16 * - start_year - yes - Start year for the climatology - - 1981 * - end_year - yes - End year for the climatology - - 2010 * - scale - no - Dataset scale - Depends dataset and bounding box - 4000 * - bounding_box - yes - The bounding box [SWLong, SWLat, NELong, NELat] - [-121.7, 38.3, -120.1, 38.9] - * - export_format - no - File format of export - json - csv, json * - percentiles - no - The percentiles - [0, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95, 100] - .. _RST /raster/metadata/percentiles/mann_kendall: /raster/metadata/percentiles/mann_kendall ***************************************** | Computes percentiles of a map of Mann Kendall trends of the dataset variable over the time period. | mk_sen: Slope of trend (Sen's slope) | mk_tau: Correlation of trend (Kendall Tau-b) | Returns: json Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/metadata/percentiles/mann_kendall?dataset=LANDSAT7_TOA&variable=NDVI&temporal_statistic=Mean&calculation=mk_tau&p_value=0.5&start_season=05-01&end_season=07-30&start_year=2016&end_year=2018&bounding_box=[-121.7,38.3,-120.1,38.9]&percentiles=[0,5,10,25,50,75,90,95,100]&scale=4000 .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - GRIDMET * - variable - yes - - - tmmx * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - export_format - no - File format of export - json - csv, json * - calculation - yes - Sen's Slope or Kendall Tau-b - - mk_sen, mk_tau * - p_value - no - Mann Kendall p-value mask - 1.0 - 1.0 (all trends), 0.2 (80% confidence), 0.1, 0.05, 0.01 * - start_season - yes - - - 01-01 * - end_season - yes - - - 10-16 * - start_year - yes - Start year for the climatology - - 1981 * - end_year - yes - End year for the climatology - - 2010 * - scale - no - Dataset scale - Depends dataset and bounding box - 4000 * - bounding_box - yes - The bounding box [SWLong, SWLat, NELong, NELat] - [-121.7, 38.3, -120.1, 38.9] - * - percentiles - no - The percentiles - [0, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95, 100] - .. _RST /raster/metadata/statistics/values: /raster/metadata/statistics/values ********************************** | Computes statistics of map values of the dataset variable in a bounding box. | The temporal statistic is applied over the date range defined by start_date and end_date. | Returns: json Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/metadata/statistics/values?dataset=GGRIDMETvariable=tmmx&temporal_statistic=Mean&start_date=2016-01-01&end_date=2016-12-30&bounding_box=[-121.7,38.3,-120.1,38.9]&scale=4000 .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - GRIDMET * - variable - yes - - - tmmx * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - export_format - no - File format of export - json - csv, json * - start_date - yes - - - 2019-01-01 * - end_date - yes - - - 2019-12-31 * - scale - no - Dataset scale - Depends dataset and bounding box - 4000 * - bounding_box - no - The bounding box [SWLong, SWLat, NELong, NELat] - [-121.7, 38.3, -120.1, 38.9] - .. _RST /raster/metadata/statistics/climatologies: /raster/metadata/statistics/climatologies ***************************************** | Computes statistics of map of average values of the dataset variable over the time period in a bounding box. | Returns: json Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/metadata/statistics/climatologies?dataset=GRIDMET&variable=tmmx&temporal_statistic=Mean&start_season=08-01&end_season=10-30&start_year=2014&end_year=2018&bounding_box=[-121.7,38.3,-120.1,38.9]&scale=4000 .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - GRIDMET * - variable - yes - - - tmmx * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - export_format - no - File format of export - json - csv, json * - start_season - yes - - - 05-10 * - end_season - yes - - - 10-16 * - start_year - yes - Start year for the climatology - - 1981 * - end_year - yes - End year for the climatology - - 2010 * - scale - no - Dataset scale - Depends dataset and bounding box - 4000 * - bounding_box - no - The bounding box [SWLong, SWLat, NELong, NELat] - [-121.7, 38.3, -120.1, 38.9] - .. _RST /raster/metadata/statistics/anomalies: /raster/metadata/statistics/anomalies ************************************* | Computes statistics of map of anomalies of the dataset variable over the time period in a bounding box. | The following calculation choices can be specified: | **anom**: differences of the values from average conditions | **anompercentof**: the values divided by the average conditions multiplied by 100 to cast as a percent | **anompercentchange**: difference of values from average conditions divided by average conditions and then multiplied by 100 to cast as a percent | Returns: json Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/metadata/statistics/anomalies?dataset=GRIDMET&variable=tmmx&temporal_statistic=Mean&calculation=anom&start_date=2016-08-01&end_date=2016-10-30&start_year=2014&end_year=2018&bounding_box=[-121.7,38.3,-120.1,38.9]&scale=4000 .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - GRIDMET * - variable - yes - - - tmmx * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - export_format - no - File format of export - json - csv, json * - calculation - yes - Anomaly calculation - - anom, anompercentof, anompercentchange * - start_date - yes - - - 2019-01-01 * - end_date - yes - - - 2019-10-16 * - start_year - yes - Start year for the climatology - - 1981 * - end_year - yes - End year for the climatology - - 2010 * - scale - no - Dataset scale - Depends dataset and bounding box - 4000 * - bounding_box - no - The bounding box [SWLong, SWLat, NELong, NELat] - [-121.7, 38.3, -120.1, 38.9] - .. _RST /raster/metadata/statistics/standard_index: /raster/metadata/statistics/standard_index ****************************************** | Computes statistics of a map of drought indices of the dataset variable over the time period in a bounding box. | Available variables by dataset: | GRIDMET: spi, spei, eddi, pdsi | CHIRPS_PENTAD: spi | CHIRPS_DAILY: spi | PRISM: spi | MERRA2: spi, spei, eddi | Returns: json Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/metadata/statistics/standard_index?dataset=GRIDMET&variable=eddi&start_date=2016-08-01&end_date=2016-10-30&start_year=2014&end_year=2018&bounding_box=[-121.7,38.3,-120.1,38.9]&scale=4000 .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - GRIDMET * - variable - yes - - - tmmx * - start_date - yes - - - 2019-01-01 * - end_date - yes - - - 2019-10-16 * - start_year - yes - Start year for the climatology - - 1981 * - end_year - yes - End year for the climatology - - 2010 * - bounding_box - no - The bounding box [SWLong, SWLat, NELong, NELat] - [-121.7, 38.3, -120.1, 38.9] - * - export_format - no - File format of export - json - csv, json * - scale - no - Dataset scale - Depends dataset and bounding box - 4000 .. _RST /raster/metadata/statistics/mann_kendall: /raster/metadata/statistics/mann_kendall **************************************** | Computes statistics of a map of Mann Kendall trends of the dataset variable over the time period in a bounding box. | mk_sen: Slope of trend (Sen's slope) | mk_tau: Correlation of trend (Kendall Tau-b) | Returns: json Resource url example: .. code-block:: /raster/metadata/statistics/mann_kendall?dataset=LANDSAT7_TOA&variable=NDVI&temporal_statistic=Mean&calculation=mk_tau&p_value=0.5&start_season=05-01&end_season=07-30&start_year=2016&end_year=2018&bounding_box=[-121.7,38.3,-120.1,38.9]&scale=4000 .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - GRIDMET * - variable - yes - - - tmmx * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - export_format - no - File format of export - json - csv, json * - calculation - yes - Sen's Slope or Kendall Tau-b - - mk_sen, mk_tau * - p_value - no - Mann Kendall p-value mask - 1.0 - 1.0 (all trends), 0.2 (80% confidence), 0.1, 0.05, 0.01 * - start_season - yes - - - 01-01 * - end_season - yes - - - 10-16 * - start_year - yes - Start year for the climatology - - 1981 * - end_year - yes - End year for the climatology - - 2010 * - scale - no - Dataset scale - Depends dataset and bounding box - 4000 * - bounding_box - no - The bounding box [SWLong, SWLat, NELong, NELat] - [-121.7, 38.3, -120.1, 38.9] -