.. sectionauthor:: Britta Daudert Probabilities ============= | The Probabilties endpoints are used to generate statistics for Climate Engine datasets over different geometries. | There are three groups of Probabilities endpoints: | **/probabilities/exceedance** - The exceedance probabilities endpoints produces the probability of a variable value to exceed a threshold at a location defined by a geometry. | **/probabilities/exterior** - The exterior probabilities endpoints produces the probability of a variable value to lie outside of a lower and an upper threshold at a location defined by a geometry. | **/probabilities/interior** - The interior probabilities endpoints produces the probability of a variable value to lie inside of a lower and an upper threshold at a location defined by a geometry. | :ref:`RST /probabilities/exceedance/points` | :ref:`RST /probabilities/exceedance/polygons` | :ref:`RST /probabilities/exceedance/climate_engine_asset` | :ref:`RST /probabilities/exceedance/custom_asset` | :ref:`RST /probabilities/exterior/points` | :ref:`RST /probabilities/exterior/polygons` | :ref:`RST /probabilities/exterior/climate_engine_asset` | :ref:`RST /probabilities/exterior/custom_asset` | :ref:`RST /probabilities/interior/points` | :ref:`RST /probabilities/interior/polygons` | :ref:`RST /probabilities/interior/climate_engine_asset` | :ref:`RST /probabilities/interior/custom_asset` .. _RST /probabilities/exceedance/points: /probabilities/exceedance/points ********************************************** | Computes exceedance probabilities for one or more points. | Returns: json Resource url example: .. code-block:: probabilities/exceedance/points?dataset=GRIDMET&variable=tmmx&temporal_statistic=mean&start_day=15&end_day=20&start_month=06&end_month=06&area_reducer=mean&export_format=json&operator=%3E%3D&value=25&coordinates=%5B%5B-121.61%2C38.78%5D%5D .. list-table:: :widths: 25 5 25 25 25 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - NLDAS2_DAILY, RTMA * - variable - yes - - tmmx - * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - start_day - yes - - - 15 * - end_day - yes - - - 30 * - start_month - yes - - - 06 * - end_month - yes - - - 06 * - area_reducer - yes - Statistic over region - - mean, median, min, max * - mask_image_id - no - Image mask ID - - * - mask_value - no - Image mask value - - * - buffer - no - Buffer (in meters) to be applied to each geometry - - [400] * - export_path - no - Export CSV results to a Google cloud storage bucket (must have correct permissions) - - climate-engine-public/my_csv_file.csv * - export_format - no - File format of export - json - csv, json * - operator - yes - exceedance operator - >= - >=, <=, <, > * - value - yes - exceedance value - 25 - integer or float * - coordinates - yes - lon, lat pairs of points - - [[-158.9844,62.3723]] .. _RST /probabilities/exceedance/polygons: /probabilities/exceedance/polygons ************************************************ | Computes exceedance probabilities for one or more polygons. | Returns: json Resource url example: .. code-block:: /probabilities/exceedance/polygons?dataset=GRIDMET&variable=tmmx&temporal_statistic=mean&start_day=15&end_day=20&start_month=06&end_month=06&area_reducer=mean&export_format=json&operator=%3E%3D&value=25&coordinates=%5B%5B%5B-121.61%2C38.78%5D%2C%5B-121.52%2C38.78%5D%2C%5B-121.52%2C38.83%5D%2C%5B-121.61%2C38.83%5D%2C%5B-121.61%2C38.78%5D%5D%5D .. list-table:: :widths: 25 5 25 25 25 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - NLDAS2_DAILY, RTMA * - variable - yes - - tmmx - * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - start_day - yes - - - 15 * - end_day - yes - - - 30 * - start_month - yes - - - 06 * - end_month - yes - - - 06 * - area_reducer - yes - Statistic over region - - mean, median, min, max * - mask_image_id - no - Image mask ID - - * - mask_value - no - Image mask value - - * - buffer - no - Buffer (in meters) to be applied to each geometry - - [400] * - export_path - no - Export CSV results to a Google cloud storage bucket (must have correct permissions) - - climate-engine-public/my_csv_file.csv * - export_format - no - File format of export - json - csv, json * - operator - yes - exceedance operator - >= - >=, <=, <, > * - value - yes - exceedance value - 25 - integer or float * - coordinates - yes - lon, lat pairs of polygon vertices - - [[-121.61, 38.78], [-121.52, 38.78],[-121.52, 38.83],[-121.61, 38.83],[-121.61, 38.78]] .. _RST /probabilities/exceedance/climate_engine_asset: /probabilities/exceedance/climate_engine_asset ************************************************************ | Computes exceedance probabilities for the features of a Climate Engine feature collection asset. | For a list of available county assets use /metadata/county_names endpoint. | Returns: json Resource url example: .. code-block:: /probabilities/exceedance/climate_engine_asset?dataset=GRIDMET&variable=tmmx&temporal_statistic=mean&start_day=15&end_day=20&start_month=06&end_month=06&area_reducer=mean&export_format=json&operator=%3E%3D&value=25®ion=states&sub_choices=%5B%22Nevada%22%5D .. list-table:: :widths: 25 5 25 25 25 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - NLDAS2_DAILY, RTMA * - variable - yes - - tmmx - * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - start_day - yes - - - 15 * - end_day - yes - - - 30 * - start_month - yes - - - 06 * - end_month - yes - - - 06 * - area_reducer - yes - Statistic over region - - mean, median, min, max * - mask_image_id - no - Image mask ID - - * - mask_value - no - Image mask value - - * - buffer - no - Buffer (in meters) to be applied to each geometry - - [400] * - export_path - no - Export CSV results to a Google cloud storage bucket (must have correct permissions) - - climate-engine-public/my_csv_file.csv * - export_format - no - File format of export - json - csv, json * - operator - yes - exceedance operator - >= - >=, <=, <, > * - value - yes - exceedance value - 25 - integer or float * - region - yes - - - states, counties, divisions * - sub_choices - no - Select features, if not specified all feature data will be returned - - CA, NV * - filter_by - no - Key name of property in feature collection (GIS users: this is the attribute name) - - Name .. _RST /probabilities/exceedance/custom_asset: /probabilities/exceedance/custom_asset **************************************************** | Computes exceedance probabilities for the features of a custom feature collection asset. | Returns: json Resource url example: .. code-block:: /probabilities/exceedance/custom_asset?dataset=GRIDMET&variable=tmmx&temporal_statistic=mean&start_day=15&end_day=20&start_month=06&end_month=06&area_reducer=mean&export_format=json&operator=%3E%3D&value=25&asset_id=USGS%2FWBD%2F2017%2FHUC08&sub_choices=%5B%22Animas%22%5D&filter_by=Name .. list-table:: :widths: 25 5 25 25 25 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - NLDAS2_DAILY, RTMA * - variable - yes - - tmmx - * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - start_day - yes - - - 15 * - end_day - yes - - - 30 * - start_month - yes - - - 06 * - end_month - yes - - - 06 * - area_reducer - yes - Statistic over region - - mean, median, min, max * - mask_image_id - no - Image mask ID - - * - mask_value - no - Image mask value - - * - buffer - no - Buffer (in meters) to be applied to each geometry - - [400] * - export_path - no - Export CSV results to a Google cloud storage bucket (must have correct permissions) - - climate-engine-public/my_csv_file.csv * - export_format - no - File format of export - json - csv, json * - operator - yes - exceedance operator - >= - >=, <=, <, > * - value - yes - exceedance value - 25 - integer or float * - asset_id - yes - Custom EE asset id, must have "Anyone can read" permissions - - 'projects/climate-engine/featureCollections /shp_simplified/ClimateEngine_US_Counties' * - filter_by - no - Key name of property in feature collection (GIS users: this is the attribute name) - - Name * - sub_choices - no - Values of property in feature collection - - CA, NV .. _RST /probabilities/exterior/points: /probabilities/exxterior_probabilities/points ********************************************* | Computes exterior probabilities for one or more points. | Returns: json Resource url example: .. code-block:: /probabilities/exterior/points?dataset=GRIDMET&variable=tmmx&temporal_statistic=mean&start_day=15&end_day=20&start_month=06&end_month=06&area_reducer=mean&export_format=json&operator=%3C%3D%3E&value_1=20&value_2=25&coordinates=%5B%5B-121.61%2C38.78%5D%5D .. list-table:: :widths: 25 5 25 25 25 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - NLDAS2_DAILY, RTMA * - variable - yes - - tmmx - * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - start_day - yes - - - 15 * - end_day - yes - - - 30 * - start_month - yes - - - 06 * - end_month - yes - - - 06 * - area_reducer - yes - Statistic over region - - mean, median, min, max * - mask_image_id - no - Image mask ID - - * - mask_value - no - Image mask value - - * - buffer - no - Buffer (in meters) to be applied to each geometry - - [400] * - export_path - no - Export CSV results to a Google cloud storage bucket (must have correct permissions) - - climate-engine-public/my_csv_file.csv * - export_format - no - File format of export - json - csv, json * - operator - yes - exterior operator - <=> - <=>, <> * - value_1 - yes - lower threshold - 20 - integer or float * - value_2 - yes - upper threshold - 25 - integer or float * - coordinates - yes - lon, lat pairs of points - - [[-158.9844,62.3723]] .. _RST /probabilities/exterior/polygons: /probabilities/exterior/polygons ********************************************** | Computes exterior probabilities for one or more polygons. | Returns: json Resource url example: .. code-block:: /probabilities/exterior/polygons?dataset=GRIDMET&variable=tmmx&temporal_statistic=mean&start_day=15&end_day=20&start_month=06&end_month=06&area_reducer=mean&export_format=json&operator=%3C%3D%3E&value_1=20&value_2=25&coordinates=%5B%5B%5B-121.61%2C38.78%5D%2C%5B-121.52%2C38.78%5D%2C%5B-121.52%2C38.83%5D%2C%5B-121.61%2C38.83%5D%2C%5B-121.61%2C38.78%5D%5D%5D .. list-table:: :widths: 25 5 25 25 25 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - NLDAS2_DAILY, RTMA * - variable - yes - - tmmx - * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - start_day - yes - - - 15 * - end_day - yes - - - 30 * - start_month - yes - - - 06 * - end_month - yes - - - 06 * - area_reducer - yes - Statistic over region - - mean, median, min, max * - mask_image_id - no - Image mask ID - - * - mask_value - no - Image mask value - - * - buffer - no - Buffer (in meters) to be applied to each geometry - - [400] * - export_path - no - Export CSV results to a Google cloud storage bucket (must have correct permissions) - - climate-engine-public/my_csv_file.csv * - export_format - no - File format of export - json - csv, json * - operator - yes - exterior operator - <=> - <=>, <> * - value_1 - yes - lower threshold - 20 - integer or float * - value_2 - yes - upper threshold - 25 - integer or float * - coordinates - yes - lon, lat pairs of polygon vertices - - [[-121.61, 38.78], [-121.52, 38.78],[-121.52, 38.83],[-121.61, 38.83],[-121.61, 38.78]] .. _RST /probabilities/exterior/climate_engine_asset: /probabilities/exterior/climate_engine_asset ************************************************************ | Computes exterior probabilities for the features of a Climate Engine feature collection asset. | For a list of available county assets use /metadata/county_names endpoint. | Returns: json Resource url example: .. code-block:: /probabilities/exterior/climate_engine_asset?dataset=GRIDMET&variable=tmmx&temporal_statistic=mean&start_day=15&end_day=20&start_month=06&end_month=06&area_reducer=mean&export_format=json&operator=%3C%3D%3E&value_1=20&value_2=25®ion=states&sub_choices=%5B%22Nevada%22%5D .. list-table:: :widths: 25 5 25 25 25 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - NLDAS2_DAILY, RTMA * - variable - yes - - tmmx - * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - start_day - yes - - - 15 * - end_day - yes - - - 30 * - start_month - yes - - - 06 * - end_month - yes - - - 06 * - area_reducer - yes - Statistic over region - - mean, median, min, max * - mask_image_id - no - Image mask ID - - * - mask_value - no - Image mask value - - * - buffer - no - Buffer (in meters) to be applied to each geometry - - [400] * - export_path - no - Export CSV results to a Google cloud storage bucket (must have correct permissions) - - climate-engine-public/my_csv_file.csv * - export_format - no - File format of export - json - csv, json * - operator - yes - exterior operator - <=> - <=>, <> * - value_1 - yes - lower threshold - 20 - integer or float * - value_2 - yes - upper threshold - 25 - integer or float * - region - yes - - - states, counties, divisions * - sub_choices - no - Select features, if not specified all feature data will be returned - - CA, NV * - filter_by - no - Key name of property in feature collection (GIS users: this is the attribute name) - - Name .. _RST /probabilities/exterior/custom_asset: /probabilities/exterior/custom_asset ************************************************** | Computes exterior probabilities for the features of a custom feature collection asset. | Returns: json Resource url example: .. code-block:: /probabilities/exterior/custom_asset?dataset=GRIDMET&variable=tmmx&temporal_statistic=mean&start_day=15&end_day=20&start_month=06&end_month=06&area_reducer=mean&export_format=json&operator=%3C%3D%3E&value_1=20&value_2=25&asset_id=USGS%2FWBD%2F2017%2FHUC08&sub_choices=%5B%22Animas%22%5D&filter_by=Name .. list-table:: :widths: 25 5 25 25 25 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - NLDAS2_DAILY, RTMA * - variable - yes - - tmmx - * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - start_day - yes - - - 15 * - end_day - yes - - - 30 * - start_month - yes - - - 06 * - end_month - yes - - - 06 * - area_reducer - yes - Statistic over region - - mean, median, min, max * - mask_image_id - no - Image mask ID - - * - mask_value - no - Image mask value - - * - buffer - no - Buffer (in meters) to be applied to each geometry - - [400] * - export_path - no - Export CSV results to a Google cloud storage bucket (must have correct permissions) - - climate-engine-public/my_csv_file.csv * - export_format - no - File format of export - json - csv, json * - operator - yes - exterior operator - <=> - <=>, <> * - value_1 - yes - lower threshold - 20 - integer or float * - value_2 - yes - upper threshold - 25 - integer or float * - asset_id - yes - Custom EE asset id, must have "Anyone can read" permissions - - 'projects/climate-engine/featureCollections /shp_simplified/ClimateEngine_US_Counties' * - filter_by - no - Key name of property in feature collection (GIS users: this is the attribute name) - - Name * - sub_choices - no - Values of property in feature collection - - CA, NV .. _RST /probabilities/interior/points: /probabilities/interior/points ******************************************** | Computes interior probabilities for one or more points. | Returns: json Resource url example: .. code-block:: /probabilities/interior/points?dataset=GRIDMET&variable=tmmx&temporal_statistic=mean&start_day=15&end_day=20&start_month=06&end_month=06&area_reducer=mean&export_format=json&operator=%3C%3D%3E&value_1=20&value_2=25&coordinates=%5B%5B-121.61%2C38.78%5D%5D .. list-table:: :widths: 25 5 25 25 25 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - NLDAS2_DAILY, RTMA * - variable - yes - - tmmx - * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - start_day - yes - - - 15 * - end_day - yes - - - 30 * - start_month - yes - - - 06 * - end_month - yes - - - 06 * - area_reducer - yes - Statistic over region - - mean, median, min, max * - mask_image_id - no - Image mask ID - - * - mask_value - no - Image mask value - - * - buffer - no - Buffer (in meters) to be applied to each geometry - - [400] * - export_path - no - Export CSV results to a Google cloud storage bucket (must have correct permissions) - - climate-engine-public/my_csv_file.csv * - export_format - no - File format of export - json - csv, json * - operator - yes - interior operator - <=> - <=>, <> * - value_1 - yes - lower threshold - 20 - integer or float * - value_2 - yes - upper threshold - 25 - integer or float * - coordinates - yes - lon, lat pairs of points - - [[-158.9844,62.3723]] .. _RST /probabilities/interior/polygons: /probabilities/interior/polygons ********************************************** | Computes interior probabilities for one or more polygons. | Returns: json Resource url example: .. code-block:: /probabilities/interior/polygons?dataset=GRIDMET&variable=tmmx&temporal_statistic=mean&start_day=15&end_day=20&start_month=06&end_month=06&area_reducer=mean&export_format=json&operator=%3C%3D%3E&value_1=20&value_2=25&coordinates=%5B%5B%5B-121.61%2C38.78%5D%2C%5B-121.52%2C38.78%5D%2C%5B-121.52%2C38.83%5D%2C%5B-121.61%2C38.83%5D%2C%5B-121.61%2C38.78%5D%5D%5D .. list-table:: :widths: 25 5 25 25 25 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - NLDAS2_DAILY, RTMA * - variable - yes - - tmmx - * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - start_day - yes - - - 15 * - end_day - yes - - - 30 * - start_month - yes - - - 06 * - end_month - yes - - - 06 * - area_reducer - yes - Statistic over region - - mean, median, min, max * - mask_image_id - no - Image mask ID - - * - mask_value - no - Image mask value - - * - buffer - no - Buffer (in meters) to be applied to each geometry - - [400] * - export_path - no - Export CSV results to a Google cloud storage bucket (must have correct permissions) - - climate-engine-public/my_csv_file.csv * - export_format - no - File format of export - json - csv, json * - operator - yes - interior operator - <=> - <=>, <> * - value_1 - yes - lower threshold - 20 - integer or float * - value_2 - yes - upper threshold - 25 - integer or float * - coordinates - yes - lon, lat pairs of polygon vertices - - [[-121.61, 38.78], [-121.52, 38.78],[-121.52, 38.83],[-121.61, 38.83],[-121.61, 38.78]] .. _RST /probabilities/interior/climate_engine_asset: /probabilities/interior/climate_engine_asset ********************************************************** | Computes interior probabilities for the features of a Climate Engine feature collection asset. | For a list of available county assets use /metadata/county_names endpoint. | Returns: json Resource url example: .. code-block:: /probabilities/interior/climate_engine_asset?dataset=GRIDMET&variable=tmmx&temporal_statistic=mean&start_day=15&end_day=20&start_month=06&end_month=06&area_reducer=mean&export_format=json&operator=%3C%3D%3E&value_1=20&value_2=25®ion=states&sub_choices=%5B%22Nevada%22%5D .. list-table:: :widths: 25 5 25 25 25 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - NLDAS2_DAILY, RTMA * - variable - yes - - tmmx - * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - start_day - yes - - - 15 * - end_day - yes - - - 30 * - start_month - yes - - - 06 * - end_month - yes - - - 06 * - area_reducer - yes - Statistic over region - - mean, median, min, max * - mask_image_id - no - Image mask ID - - * - mask_value - no - Image mask value - - * - buffer - no - Buffer (in meters) to be applied to each geometry - - [400] * - export_path - no - Export CSV results to a Google cloud storage bucket (must have correct permissions) - - climate-engine-public/my_csv_file.csv * - export_format - no - File format of export - json - csv, json * - operator - yes - interior operator - <=> - <=>, <> * - value_1 - yes - lower threshold - 20 - integer or float * - value_2 - yes - upper threshold - 25 - integer or float * - region - yes - - - states, counties, divisions * - sub_choices - no - Select features, if not specified all feature data will be returned - - CA, NV * - filter_by - no - Key name of property in feature collection (GIS users: this is the attribute name) - - Name .. _RST /probabilities/interior/custom_asset: /probabilities/interiorprobabilities/custom_asset ************************************************* | Computes interior probabilities for the features of a custom feature collection asset. | Returns: json Resource url example: .. code-block:: /probabilities/interior/custom_asset?dataset=GRIDMET&variable=tmmx&temporal_statistic=mean&start_day=15&end_day=20&start_month=06&end_month=06&area_reducer=mean&export_format=json&operator=%3C%3D%3E&value_1=20&value_2=25&asset_id=USGS%2FWBD%2F2017%2FHUC08&sub_choices=%5B%22Animas%22%5D&filter_by=Name .. list-table:: :widths: 25 5 25 25 25 :header-rows: 1 * - NAME - REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION - DEFAULT - EXAMPLE * - dataset - yes - - - NLDAS2_DAILY, RTMA * - variable - yes - - tmmx - * - temporal_statistic - yes - - - mean, median, max, min, total * - start_day - yes - - - 15 * - end_day - yes - - - 30 * - start_month - yes - - - 06 * - end_month - yes - - - 06 * - area_reducer - yes - Statistic over region - - mean, median, min, max * - mask_image_id - no - Image mask ID - - * - mask_value - no - Image mask value - - * - buffer - no - Buffer (in meters) to be applied to each geometry - - [400] * - export_path - no - Export CSV results to a Google cloud storage bucket (must have correct permissions) - - climate-engine-public/my_csv_file.csv * - export_format - no - File format of export - json - csv, json * - operator - yes - interior operator - <=> - <=>, <> * - value_1 - yes - lower threshold - 20 - integer or float * - value_2 - yes - upper threshold - 25 - integer or float * - asset_id - yes - Custom EE asset id, must have "Anyone can read" permissions - - 'projects/climate-engine/featureCollections /shp_simplified/ClimateEngine_US_Counties' * - filter_by - no - Key name of property in feature collection (GIS users: this is the attribute name) - - Name * - sub_choices - no - Values of property in feature collection - - CA, NV